Peer Assessment-Comments

Highlights from Peer Classroom Observation Reports:

Lucas Kwong, Fall 2022: “Dr. Westengard is an expert instructor in this course especially and, evidently, in teaching literary analysis in general. Her class’s organization, her communication with students, and her integration of complex theory with close reading illustrate her depth of pedagogical experience. As asynchronous teaching is still a nascent field, her innovation in using this format exemplifies how online instructors should approach making the most of this medium.”

Patricia Rudden, Spring 2019: “This was an action-packed session with a number of different activities, al [sic] smoothly integrated.”

Julian Williams, Fall 2018: “The department should consider recording D.r Westengard’s teaching and using ti [sic] as a tool for how a fiml [sic] course can and should be conducted.”

Jody Rosen, Spring 2018: The class activity . . . showcased Prof. Westengard’s attention to the importance of varied modes of learning, including kinesthetic activities.”

Robert Lestón, Fall 2017: “It is a pleasure to watch a master teacher in action.”

Richard Hanley, Spring 2017: “Professor Westengard was thoroughly conversant with the latest research on the topic under discussion—gender role behaviors and attitudes—as well at [sic] the centrality of a strong thesis statement in the construction of an argumentative essay.”

Annette Saddik, Fall 2016: “Dr. Westengard’s work in this session utilized narrative theory effectively, providing examples and guiding students well to makes connections between the text and their own experience. She was careful to define key terms for and with the students, and it was clear that they had been paying attention to past classes, as they responded enthusiastically to her questions.  She was in charge of the material and of her students.”

Carole Harris, Spring 2016: “Professor Westengard creates a space where it’s cool (and safe) to contribute; based on today’s discussion, the students relish talking about all things gothic!”

Julian Williams, Fall 2015: “Professional Westengard skillfully pushes her students to look at the examined texts as both literary critics and socially aware citizens. There was laughter, heated debate, and, most importantly, a community of respect.”

Caroline Hellman, Spring 2015: “A seasoned instructor, Prof. Westengard’s pedagogical methods are beyond reproach.”

Carole Harris, Fall 2014: “The students clearly trust their professor as evidenced by how many contributed to class discussion. Professor Westengard has a gentle way of drawing students out by asking questions to deepen the analysis.”

Patricia Rudden, Spring 2014: “Prof. Westengard is well versed in semiotics and her students’ comfort with the ways and means of reading gender-related signs in our culture showed that she has given them a solid foundation in this way of viewing the world. She also clearly knows effective ways to lead students through the stages of constructing an expository essay.”

Monique Ferrell, Fall 2013: “As an informed and knowledgeable instructor, she is able to introduce these topics to her students in ways that respect who they are as individuals. However, she encourages her students to consider modes of thinking that may be beyond their respective comfort zones. The classroom discourse was often passionate, but it was also marked by high levels of critical thinking—an indication of Dr. Westengard’s success as an instructor.”

Nina Bannett, Spring 2013: “Prof. Westengard is very invested in having students find connections between texts and having them understand the broader social contexts behind the selected literature.”

George Guida, Fall 2012: “I would have felt fortunate as a student to hae [sic] a professor who displays both the attention to the course material and attention to students’ work that Professor Westengard displayed. I also would have appreciated her enthusiasm and sense of organization.”