Question 2

The narrator is Mexican girl name Esperanza. Her parents are Mexican immigrants. Esperanza said her father listens to Mexican records. Her family is poor working class because they move house to house and the new house they live in,  looks broken and small and the whole family sleeps in one room. Esperanza doesn’t appreciate the life she lives because she is ashamed of her house. Esperanza seem like she wants a lot in life. These elements contribute to our understanding of the text’s theme because we get to find out the characters  personality which leads us to understand the conflict in the story. We get to understand the point the author is trying to make.




Jodi Grant

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One Response to Question 2

  1. Rocio says:

    I agree with you, but I think Esperanza also wants something better because not only the house is small and everybody sleeeps in the same room but the fact that she thinks other people thinks that her house is garbage.

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