Question 1

As i read Age,Race, Class, and sex: Women Redefining Difference, I noticed that a lot has changed from back then and now. Sexuality now is more “normal” to our age group. Back then a lot of people didn’t accept gays or lesbians but i think that’s because the way things were back then. Women were expected to stay home and do everything at home. Now more people accept them because its more common in our years. There’s a lot of people who still don’t accept it but i think its more of the older people whom don’t accept it because their way of living back then. One example i can give to support my point is my grandmother. She doesn’t accept my mother because of my moms sexuality but she grew up in those times that no one accepted it. Also, Racism still exists today, there’s a a lot of people who experience racism today. My opinion, men and women would never be seen equally because the “myth” that was brought up in the old times, that women are expected to stay at home to cook, clean and take care of the children. Witch i don’t think is fair, but as long as women know that’s all that matters, and Sexuality wise i think it doesn’t matter who you want to be with as long as you find happiness, and Racism is just unbelievable and it needs to stop.

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One Response to Question 1

  1. So do you think these issues exist today or are today’s issues different from when Lorde wrote the essay? It sounds like you are saying a little bit of both. 🙂

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