Question #1

In Audre Lorde “Age, Race, Class, and Sex” she speaks a lot about how women within them selfs would not be treated equal, even tho they were fighting for the same rights some where looked down on while others where prised and encouraged. Even from within there same communities some black women that were lesbians would be seen as a an “enemy”.  she spoke mostly of how black women would  not get the help they deserved. While white women would not have to suffer as much.

one of her point that i feel that still is very much connected with today is the one she makes about race. if your a hispanic, black or any other minority you automatically are put into a category which is usually not a good one. From there assumptions of what you may do or may want come about, then you are push aside.


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3 Responses to Question #1

  1. Rocio says:

    I agree with you yooalex89. I think that if you’re not white, you’re put aside as something out off this planet. And i think that black women suffer more with being put aside. women are women no matter the skin color or race.

  2. Anwar says:

    I agree with you and i believe that sometimes society forgets that even if there is the majority of Caucasians living in its country, if we combine the other nationalities and race we are about 50/50 living in this world yet they decide to judge us by our appearance and think its okay.

  3. savitri says:

    I agree. In my opinion minorities are treated differently because of their lack of education and low end jobs. They are quickly judged without being heard. If you don’t act, dress, or speak a certain way, you are not treated with respect.

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