What Jacques trying to tell David that he know wha his going on, that once he was his age and went trought what he is experiecing. He advice David to stop running from what/who he is, to accept himself without feeling ashamed or disgusted. Jacquees also advice David that is time to feel free, to love himself to stop pretending to be straight and allowed himself tobe loved the way be want and to express hisfeeling toward joey, giovanni or any other men he feel attracted wihout feeling disgusted. I believe that the theme of safety and risk is show inthe conversation by describing what life can be for David. If David decide to continue playing the “safety role” meaning contiuing pretendig someone his not (straight) he still going to be misarable andwojld mostly hate himself for not allowing to be happy. However, if he decides to take the risk no matter how society or he father will see him, feel toward him, he would be happy with himself and he love one(giovanni).
Professor Laura Westengard
Email: lwestengard@citytech.cuny.edu
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 am and by appointment
Office/Mailbox Location: Namm 503
Phone Number: (718) 260-5761-
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I get the sense that Jacques is advising David to allow himself to be vulnerable in love but that it doesn’t matter if that love is gay or straight (or something in between). David, it seems, can’t love anyone, even himself.
I agree with you. David is escaping to be who he wants to be. He is afraid of how people will see him as, especially his beloved father. He loves his father a lot that he doesn’t want want to disappoint him.