Question 6

The text in Giovanni’s Room approaches homosexuality because in parts of the book David is hooking up with guys. Like when he slept with Joey its obviously a homosexual moment or when he was with Giovanni at the bar and his room. He is not advocating the acceptance of homosexuality to the world  but I do think he wants homosexuals to accept it themselves. There is some homophobia within himself, he does not want to like men or think about liking men he said while at the bar. I think these instances are  for character development as far as for the story and all but I also think Baldwin is also reflecting on himself a little. You know there are some incidents in the story that also has happened to him in real life so you never know.

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3 Responses to Question 6

  1. i agree with you; he denies his homosexuality because he doesn’t want to be labelled in society. He wants to be normal. He wants to be accepted by his father and not be thrown away because his dad couldn’t accept his sexuality.

  2. Jodikg says:

    i agree with you. David needs to accept that he is gay

  3. savitri says:

    I agree, David is ashamed of his sexuality and will try to deny it at all cost!

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