
Hi everybody, my name is Hollie, and I’m eighteen years old and a Long Island native. I currently reside in Brooklyn Heights for school, and my planned focus within Hospitality Management is Baking and Pastry Arts. I’m definitely most excited about getting into the kitchen next semester, because I’m a very hands-on learner. In the future, I hope to open my own cupcake shop, because I think tiny cakes are adorable and you’ll almost never meet a person who will turn one down. Something interesting about me would be that, throughout my junior and senior year, I would bake two dozen or so cupcakes in various flavors and carry them around my high school and sell them to my friends (I needed extra cash and it was good practice!). My most-beloved flavor included an Oreo cookie on the bottom and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup in the middle. Don’t ask about the calories.

Excited to be working with you all this year! 🙂

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2 Responses to Hi!

  1. It sounds like you’ve had a decent amount of baking practice, you should definitely bring in some cup cakes for us ! 🙂

  2. I agree with Saheba. I would definitely buy one of those oreo/peanut butter cup cupcakes!

    Prof. Westengard

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