Diana Kilby

Hello! My name is Diana Kilby. I decided to get a major in Hospitality management because it is one of the world’s most dynamic and fast growing industries. It is also global, so as a result I can choose to have an international career in countries all over the world. In the future I would like to find myself working with people from many different backgrounds, where my knowledge of different languages and cultures will be put to good use. As of now I have to devote most of my time to studying hard and less to following soccer which is my obsession. I used to play but now I just watch. My favorite team is Manchester United.


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5 Responses to Diana Kilby

  1. EboniB. says:

    Hey Diana, it is very interesting that you look forward to have an international career in countries all over the world as do I. Also I admire that you study hard.

  2. Oscar Garcia says:

    Hi Diana, its interesting on how hard you work and that you once played soccer, i also played soccer and my favorite team is FC Barcelona. over all i admire how hard you work and the many languages you know.

  3. Hello Diana,
    Learning new languages and meeting new people with different cultures is exciting, and it is something I hope to do too! Studying hard is probably the best thing to do even if you have to put some things on hold for now.

  4. Hi Diana,

    You mention that you have a “knowledge of different languages and cultures.” What languages do you speak?

    Prof. Westengard

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