My name is Clarissa De La Rosa. I am 17 years old. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I came to the United States of America at the age of 10 turning 11. Coming from a different Country and seeing so many tourist and seeing how big the hotel/resort business is got me very interested in Hospitality Managment.The aspect of Hospitality mangement that I am interested in is Hotels and tourism. One interesting thing about me is that many people have an American dream but I have a Dominican dream. I dream on graduating from college and moving back to my country and working in a hotel/resort in the tourism section. Then becoming the manager of the tourisim section and or hotel. Then with the experience I gain I dream of opening up my own resort and operating it myself. My Dominican Dream also includes my own house, family and car.
Professor Laura Westengard
Email: Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 am and by appointment Office/Mailbox Location: Namm 503 Phone Number: (718) 260-5761-
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Hi Clarissa,
Congratulations on being the first to post from our class! Your Dominican Dream sounds amazing. Do you get to visit often?
Prof. Westengard
Thank you Prof. Westengard! Yes I get to visit all the time. Everytime I have a break from school you can catch me on a plane going to visit my home. I was recently there for two months and came back agust 28.
Hi Clarissa,
This is the first time I actually heard of someone dreaming of something other than the American Dream. That’s amazing!
Wow, thank you Kaveesh !
Hi Clarissa,
I like your idea of the Dominican Dream and I hope that I can stay in your resort in the future!
You sound like you’ve got it all planned out, never let go of your dreams and you’ll definitely be going places (y)
Hello Clarrissa,
It was nice knowing your dream, not a lot of people know what they want to do in their life or a dream of their own. Since you have a goal set already, you will easily accomplish your dream.