Angela Wu

My name is Angela Wu and is currently taking the major Hospitality Management. I have many interests is different kind of fields but I choose Hospitality Management because I feel like Hospitality Management have everything I wants in each field. My top priority is an event planner but I would like to learn about business and pastry. I want to be an event planner because I have plan events on special occasion for the past year and I enjoy planning events, it inspires me to work harder. My goal is to have my own house and design the house. I would not want to be an interior designer since I do not think I have a talent as an interior designer but I would still like to design my own house. Since I do not have my own house right now, I am currently designing my own room.

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3 Responses to Angela Wu

  1. Angela I find it very cool and unique that you are into so many fields.Wanting your own house is a big step that not any person takes, but designing and owning your own house is an even bigger step. I find that very brave! Also remember dont ever say you cant do something in life you can accomplish anything you want as long as you work hard for it !

  2. Hi Angela,

    I’m glad you like event planning because you’ll be part of planning our OpenLab project launch event. I bet it will be fun!

    Prof. Laura

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