First Internship Journal Entry

Hello professor and classmates,

The company I am interning for this semester is called Clickdaily. Down below I put a link to their website if anybody is interested in checking them out. The company as of right now is rather small with only a handful of employees and one location based near Times Square.

The primary business of the company is social media marketing for restaurants. The way it works is a client comes to us looking to expand their restaurant to a wider audience. We then assign a photoshoot, go on-site and take shots of the interior, exterior, and most importantly the food. Then once back at the office, the pictures (and videos if the client wanted any) get editing and our social media people actively advertise the restaurant on popular platforms such as instagram.

Because of my somewhat diverse skill set, the company varies my position day to day. Primarily I am a photographer, photo editor. If however the need arises, they also try to have me to certain aspects of graphic design such as creating menus and related media. I may also get a chance to work on some video editing if any client wants to do that  while I am still interning there.
