Skills List

Airway management: including assessing and managing a patient with artificial airway including endotracheal and tracheal suctioning, cleansing to maintain a patent stoma/airway and checking for air leakage.

Vital Signs Measuring and monitoring:  Using manual or automated, assessing, interpreting results, keeping in mind the patient’s complete physical assessment and history as well as alerting physician to abnormal results.  Teaching patient and family the meaning of results to ease anxiety and empower the patient.

Insertion of intravenous cannulafor fluid, blood and medication therapies:  including assessing for patency and signs of infiltration and development of other complications.

Medication Administration: administered both oral and intravenous medication including fluids for hydration including evaluation of patient response including side effects.

Managing Enteral feeding: including verifying proper tube placement and evaluation residual, correctly positioning patient and evaluating patient for abdominal discomfort and tolerance of feeding, and administering medications via this route.

Bedside Glucose Monitoring:  including explain the purpose and procedure to the patient, interpreting results and relaying the information to the physician when abnormal and documenting the results.

Wound care:  cleansing and removing devitalized tissue and applying appropriate topical’s, packing’s and dressings using aseptic and sterile techniques

Foley Catheter care: including assessment, cleansing and removal as well as monitoring for signs of urinary tract infection.

Specimen collection: including blood, urine and fecal matter in addition to wound cultures.

Ostomy care and maintenance: including care of stoma and selection and application of stoma appliances.

Labor and Delivery:  assist with the delivery of children.

Medication Preparationincluding PO, IV, SubQ, IM, SL, Intradermal

Educator– Educate on medication administration, disease process, treatment, and management