Type Talk: Posters by Rocco Piscatello

  • Select one of the POSTERS then comment: Why do you like this poster?
    Remember to talk with “typography” vocabulary
    • The use of typography within the varied classifications
      (Serif, Sans Serif, Scripts, etc.)
    • Notice any use of variations (styles) of the typeface in terms of weight, width, posture.
    • The use of scale, color, others


  • Read the tab REFLECTION
  • Comment on at least one reflection


  1. Jewel N.

    One poster that caught my attention was “Philippe Apeloig, Hjalti Karlsson, Jan Wilker. Spring 2006”. When you first take a look at this poster, you immediately think of a crossword puzzle and it makes the viewer start to search for the words, until you realize that it’s simply a letter. This poster has an ample amount of kearning between each letter as well as the leading. The weight, font and posture of each letter are the same. The font is similar to a Sans Serif font, although each letter is hand-drawn.

  2. Alexandra Panevina

    I like the poster dedicated to Julia Hoffmann. It’s amazing how using three colors you can achieve such contrast and placement of accents. The capital letter “H” looks like an open door, inviting you to walk through it. The red square and rectangle behind it create the effect of a room and, at the same time, a canvas on which text with information about the lecture is placed. Just three flat elements create a complete three-dimensional composition. This is impressive.

  3. Marharyta

    My favorite poster was the poster by Jessica Walsh Fall 2013, because of the type and, I the main letter reminds me letter “Sh” from Ukrainian alphabet, which unfortunately I see really seldom in international design world. I also like how she putter the type text in the boom and like folded the main letter. However, I don’t like only one thing, that I can’t real the whole text at the bottom, because it’s small and some parts of the word are hided. Overall, I like that minimalistic style of font (Sans Serif) and 2 colors, which do not do this poster super heavy. Also, I see how designer changed her style in 10 years, and honestly her new style I prefer more.

  4. Ty

    I choose Julia Hoffman poster done in fall 2012. Her choice of font were sans serif, which personally I find visually pleasing in a modern day poster. I also love how she messed with the scale and perspective of the letter (H) . Behind the H is a red body copy and the same font was used for the body copy. If you look close enough their is a gradient used for rectangle too.

  5. Esther

    I really liked the Fall 2010 poster by David Carson because I liked how he manipulated the eye into thinking that we are supposed to be focused on the c, but in reality its overlaid with the D. The image inside of the d also has a nice contrast to it and isn’t too dark or light to the point where we can’t see it. Furthermore, the text on the guy shirt has an effect to it that brings it out more. The kerning allows it to be more eligible.

  6. mprecilla

    I like Milton Glaser’s poster. He uses very basic no frills typographic tools and creates something very impactful and eye catching. He stays within the parameters of Sans Serif fonts, contrasting black and white and simple lines and curves to express his idea effectively. His use of varying type sizes is equally contrasting as that of his color use. Its bold and effective

  7. luztc

    David Gibson’s work stood out to me because of the way he barely used color, and his dramatic scaling. Without reading his description, one can easily tell that an arrow was used to represent a “G” and I think that’s very clever. The event details (on the left) also do a good job of adding to the letter, making it more legible. Overall, this poster’s layout is very clear and memorable.

  8. Sfaraday

    Philippe Apeloig, Hjalti Karlsson, Jan WilkerSpring 2006

    I chose this poster over the others because of the hand lettering the designer painted himself as well as the overall format. At a glance it seem random, but when you read carefully you can start to make out the information about the event. Making the viewer have to read carefully makes the art work more interactive which made me want to uncover the message even more. It was a very untraditional way to portray a message however making it harder to read in this case made it more interesting.

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