Graphic Design Principles

Course Experience: An Analysis of the Experience of Visual Perception

            At first in this class, I expected it to be really easy and consist mostly of note taking. I expected this class was about teaching us what Graphic Design was and the basic information about it. I also expected it to be mainly using software like Photoshop and Illustrator. I assumed it was going to teach us what careers and jobs would be available from this major and how the work environment was like.

However, this class is completely different from what I expected. There isn’t much note taking in this class and it has a lot of hands on activity work here, like drawing and painting. This turned out to be more difficult than I expected. This class is more competitive and the work must be really precise and sharp. The professor has high expectations from her students. She expects us to incorporate suggestions from her and the class to create better work. In this class, the work can only work or doesn’t work. Personal pronouns aren’t allowed to be used in critique.

Throughout the class, I was able to learn many things of work to improve the sensitivity of my eyes. The professor has displayed many ads to us to guide us to what works and what doesn’t work in them. She will discuss with the class on whether the ad was effective or not and why. We discussed ways to change the ad to make it more effective. Such as changing the colors in the ad to create a stronger focal point on the product. She also trained us to be precise on measures, even if it is 1/32nd or 1/16th of an inch off. I was able to learn the art vocabulary and designer terms from this class. During this class, illusion on our artworks occurs a lot. The most common illusion that occur is when we draw rectangles. When the margins are exactly the same, the rectangle creates an illusion that one side has more space than the other. Finally, we are working on the final project, to create a Go Green poster and applying narrative to it.





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