Author Archives: Brian Nayib

Brian Chavarro Colombia EcoTourism

Costa Rica & Thailand are world renowned for their their sustainable eco-tourism that benefits both the land and the tourists, why can’t Colombia?

Hello class, stated above is my thesis and what i plan on writing my research paper on. an upcoming popular trend with young people traveling is ecotourism.

tourism to places having unspoiled natural resources, with minimal impact on the environment being a primary concern.”

new travelers are now more conscious of their carbon footprint on places that are not used to have such a big populations on that land. being conscious of what your presence does in a different environment. the way linens are cleaned, the solar panels on the roofs of buildings, greenery planted everywhere, minimal construction, recycled water, and many other methods to reduce the carbon footprint.

Costa Rica and Thailand are very well known for their efforts in protecting their land, environment and animals. Colombia and that and much more to offer, why cant Colombia be the leading country in Eco-Tourism?