Author Archives: Daniel Hsueh

Advice for future students

For the future students, it’s very important for you to do a time management because you don’t want to hastily doing the homeworks. Especially you have more than 5 courses, you have to manage your time to do everything, otherwise you will only the time to do the homework before the due day. Also for this course Research Seminar, you have to understand that 1 hour per week is not enough. This course costs a lot of time to research to gain knowledge, and to structure the paper.

From my experience, I have 6 course this semester, and I also have a 4 days job a week. I’m totally run out of time to do my homeworks. I always use the night before due day to finish HW. This forces me finish the hw faster, but also lower my grades of hw. Therefore, my suggest, Please Plan your schedule before the semester start, otherwise you will regret that why didn’t you finish the hw early.