putting my reasearch project together. April 07, 2016

April 07,2016

For the pass couple of weeks I have been working on my reasearch. Now that we are on April I am staring to feel the pressure on getting my reasearch paper done. It has been a bit challenging getting this project done because I did not think it was going to take as much time as it already has. So I has to make a plan I stared to work on it by parts and it has turn out pretty good the works feels a lot more lighter as well as the reasearch, uf i would have know ahead of time that that changing my topic was going to back me up so much from my due dates an reaching my plan on finishing the project I would have just have keep going working on my previous project topic. But at the same time I can not complain I am happy with my current topic  “Reducing Food Waste in Landfills through Restaurants”, and it coming along. Hopefully I will be done before spring break. And half the rest of the semester stress-free  as well having more time to edit my paper and work on small details that her heart cats while working on the paper. However I still have a long way in order for  my paper to be done and ready for that meeting.

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