Changing research topic to the ideal one. February 31,2016

February 31,2016

As I picked my topic two weeks ago that was titled “How to manage food waste in restaurants”, I changed my topic AGAIN. The reason I decided to do it was because I didn’t quite felt that I was enjoying doing the research, because it was a topic that most people know about so I wanted to be my topic  more complex so I decided to change the tittle of my topic “Reducing Food Waste in Landfills through Restaurants”, it a topic that people know about and comment about, but don’t do anything to better it. Another reason I choose to change my to pick was because I am becoming more aware on my daily activities and how small actions can make a difference in the future  towards global warming, maybe later on my work can be reviewed as part of a new garbage disposal revolution plan and this would also be another reason why I change my topic because I want my work to be reviewed by others and not just be forgotten since there is a lot of work and time being put in. Over all I have though about it and I believe this the perfect topic for me since it something that I believe that should be done for the good of our future generation and taking care of our planet.


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