Culmination Entry #9

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Dear Journal,

I am sooooo sorry for not writing to you sooner. These past two weeks proved hectic because I had to get up almost every morning to either do my internship, get my graduation gear, and of course, adding more content to my culmination project. By the way, it is going well since I managed to gain enough time to improve it. I added some screen effect to give the game more feeling and I improved world 1 by adding damage traps and new items such as an elixir. I have also fixed a few of the skills after testing them during high level battles by adding a formula which give the player HP based on their level times a base value.

As for World 2, I had finished making all the enemies and skills so all that is left is to make the world and the plot behind it. Since this world will have no people present, I will instead have an A.I. talk to the player off-screen. I want to create the feeling that you are in a virtual world with machines in every corner. Of course, I have chosen the boss, music, and moves already. To be honest, I’m more excited and motivated to finish this project more than ever.

I’ll have to print out my poster for the poster session soon. I just want to get it out the way since I have already completed it. It looks great, feels great, and more importantly, worthy for the session. There is one other thing I’m worried about. My internship hours are pretty low and I only have about one month to get the remaining hours. I may have to make sacrifices in order to graduate on time. Guess we’ll have to find out, huh. Well, I better get going. It’s good to write to you again.


Your friend,

Virgilio Samo III

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