Bye bye Cosby

two gold coins with a red "DENIED" stamp over both

The trustees of the City University of New York, will take back an honorary doctorate granted to Bill Cosby in 1995, by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

“We’re saying that had we known then what we know now, we would not recommend that Mr. Cosby receive this honorary title,” college president Jeremy Travis said on Monday.

Travis said the action was  warranted due to the claims against Cosby.

“We now know of … women … who have claimed that he took advantage of their relationship, often aided, according to them, by various substances added to drinks,” Travis said. “In at least one instance now, he acknowledged that he engaged in this practice of taking advantage of women and doing so with the aid of, in this case, Qualuudes.”

This isn’t the first honor taken away from Cosby, since these claims have come out. And I’m sure it won’t be the last. Cosby himself has not been charged yet, and some have said that since he has not been charged, none of his achievements should be taken away.

Hmmm not sure I agree with those people.

1 thought on “Bye bye Cosby

  1. This just proves the power of public image whether Cosby is guilty or not, his reputation is now immediately viewed not by his comedy or filmography but his actions that now many label him as a rapist. Although only Cosby and his alleged victims know the truth, once this type of information hits mainstream media, it shapes Cosby’s character for all despite the validity of the accusations.

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