Collecting assignments digitally

This semester, we will use to submit, store, and share our work. You will need to create an account on using your City Tech email address. I have already invited you to share a folder with the class. Once you have an account, you will be able to join that folder and use it to share files that everyone in our class will have access to. You can also use the site to store your own files in a different folder. Please also be aware: you can use Dropbox on the Web, or you can download it onto your computer. You do not need to download it if you do not want to.


  1. go to
  2. click Log In
  3. click Create an account
  4. using your City Tech email address, create an account
  5. once you have an account, click on the tab called Sharing
  6. click where it tells you that you have an invitation to share a folder
  7. accept my invitation
  8. click on that folder
  9. upload your file from your computer or flash drive
  10. if your file is an attachment to an email, first save it to the computer, then upload it
  11. make sure that your file is in the folder! If it’s not, none of us can see it
  12. you’re done!


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