Problem 2 – Deck


You are the technical direction team in charge of the scenery crew at City Tech. The deck shown on the attached drawing (Plate GP), is to be built for a concert and talent show to take place after the haunted Hotel has closed. Haunted Hotel strike will be complete at the end of call on a Thursday, and the concert will take place eight days later, on Friday night. The talent show is the day after the concert, on Saturday. The talent show will begin rehearsals at 4pm and the show starts at 8pm.

The band wants their logo painted on the floor for their show. The talent show would like the floor to be glossy black. Both shows want the platform facings and stairs to be matte black. The scenery will be built, installed and painted by normal Tech Production crew people.

The Details

As a team, you must make a plan for the construction, installation, and changeover of the scenery for the concert and talent show. Prepare any documents you think you would need for the implementation of this plan. If you build any samples for this project, please save them to present on the 25th.

When you are planning the documentation, think of who you will be showing it to. You will need to show it to the faculty for approval and to purchase materials, and you will also need to show it to the crew that is actually going to be doing the work.

Checklist for your reference:

Bring the following things to be shared with the class on Thursday, February 18th

  • Sketch of your approach to solving the problem
  • Your team’s definition of the problem
  • A list of any questions your team has

Bring the following things to be turned in on Thursday, February 25th

  • All initial sketches and notes
  • Complete paperwork package (drawings, budgets, calendar… whatever you think you need to communicate your ideas)
  • Any samples or physical tests your team conducted

Grading Criteria

We will use the standard grading rubric for this problem. Your ultimate goal is to achieve a deck as close to the designer’s intention as possible. Preparing good construction documents and choosing correct materials will be very important to meeting this goal.

Designer Drawings



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