Category Archives: COMD_3508 Fall 2017

Meaningful Play

Currently, a game that I had found interesting is Super Smash Bros for Wii U. The game has meaningful play in the sense that it is very evaluative. It has a discernable aspect where any action has a very perceptive response. You could attack your opponent already perceiving that either it will do minor damage, maximum damage, or depending on the difficulty level, the attack will get dodged as well as counterattacked. Regardless of what you do, you know that there will definitely be some sort of hostile response. Aside from being discernable, the game’s outcomes are integrated into the game’s system. There is a chance that you could win from the attack or lose by missing, and getting counterattacked right back. A player can even win or lose just from time running out during the match. Whatever action you do, it will affect your end result in some way, shape, or form, which allows for meaningful play.