The second networking event that I went to was the MoCCA After Party. Unlike the festival, this after party allowed me to network in a more traditional fashion. Rather than gaining exposure from my illustrations alone, I actually had to approach people. Honestly, I’m not fond of this because I am way too introverted to actually have a conversation with others. What made this even more intense for me was that the people who were at this event just so happened to be other MoCCA Fest exhibitors ranging from small art groups to professionals in the illustration field. However, I had to muster up the power to network because my grades are actually on the line for this, which is ridiculous, but it’s whatever at this point. Luckily for me, I didn’t actually have to start the conversations as I was not alone at the event. I was there along with the President of City Tech’s Ink Club, so each interaction was started with a dual interaction. Surprisingly enough, I actually managed to pull it off, and have a few interactions. Overall, it was an experience that I liked as I got to interact with professionals in the field, yet I mildly disliked it as well because my grade was unjustly put on the line for it.