In Class Writing 11/29

*The language and tone are very formal. The voice is speaking at a constant volume and speed.  It sounds like someone’s telling a story.

*They’re not specifically using any sources. They’re giving examples to further prove what they’re talking about. And they use evidence (events from the past) that justifies their point.

*The narrator asks questions, then gives the answers to the questions. They use images that relate to or are from the events they’re talking about. It’s like a little slide show, but it runs smoothly and has smooth transitions. There’s low instrumental music in the background.

*The video is 9 minutes long.

*I think the target audience is anyone who doesn’t value the little things and events in life. The entire point the narrator is making is that every small thing we do has a consequence. Another possible target audience could be people who are hopeless with their life. The narrator said something specific that led me to this conclusion. At the end of the video they said, “So if you ever thought your life doesn’t matter, believe me, it really does.” They’re trying to encourage people to better understand that every decision we make that seems insignificant, leads to bigger things later. And we all play a part in everything that happens in the world.

*I would like to be as clear as the narrator is in the video. Anyone watching the video would most likely agree with the narrator afterwards because they were easy to understand and persuasive kind of.

*I’d like to avoid saying that my piece will have a specific effect on the audience. The title of the video is “The Butterfly Effect; This Video Will Change Your Life; Documentary”. I feel like by saying that the video will “change” someone’s life is a little dramatic. But then again it might help get more views and a larger audience. Personally, I wouldn’t make the same decision. To get a larger audience I would put an interesting image as clickbait to draw people in. Or I would try to make an interesting title.

Video- The Butterfly Effect | This Video Will Change Your Life | Documentary – YouTube


    1. Fairy tales, science fiction, mystery, children’s stories, study guides, and much more.
    1. I believe their audience mainly consists of children, mainly due to the genres they showcase at the forefront of their catalog. Such as fairy tales, science fiction, mystery, children’s stories, etc.
    1. The pieces can typically be read in 5-10 minutes.
    1. The tone, depending on the story, is usually either casual, or enthusiastic, the tone of a story is never too serious.
    1. Formal diction is either casually or enthusiastically delivered to the reader trying to figure out more of the genre they’re visiting.
    1. When they cite evidence, they insert images found on the sources website to grant more insight. Additionally, they highlight they italicize the sources, the quotes found in said source, and information the source contains.     
    1. The website isn’t all black and white. Once you open the website, you’ll notice the background is in beige. Random images of popular genre’s on its website are posted, with the image of it’s genre as well to grab the readers attention. Lastly, as you scroll down the homepage, you’ll notice that most of the genre’s that are in the websites catalog are scattered throughout the homepage. Only the most popular genres are found on its homepage.
    1. This publication forum would be a marvelous place to reach my intended audience, due to the fact that my short story is a fictional narrative about the life of the species closely related to the Locc ness monster. Since science fiction is a genre in this forum’s website, this is perfect for the direction I want to go in. The audience seems like it’s mainly American children and that’s great for me because that’s the demographic I want to reach out to the most. This website is ideal for my story.

    Part 2:

    • I need to find a mentor text still
    • I need to figure out which species specifically I want to write about in my short story
    • Once I specify the species I want, I gotta do research on said species.


    Week of 11/27- Find mentor text and identify which species you’d like to research. After doing so, begin conducting research on it.

    Week of 12/4: Research on species should be finished.

    Week of 12/11: Finish short story on unit 3.

Tuesday, 11/29

A letter will be my genre for the unit 3 assignment, my main target audience are the people in charge of the congress, people who can change laws who can change peoples mind. I want my letter to be published in CNN news, their website is big with lots of audience people are most likely to see it. My point of view will mostly be focusing on persuading the people in charge to alter and make laws on racism so it won’t affect people of color anymore and their lives. I would like to start off by researching how to write persuasive letters, how to format my letter, and put it on the website.