Hw for 9/6

I think Mike Bunn means when he said “You are already an author” is that everyone is an author. Everyone does some type of writing everyday and everyone has their own story that has been told in some way so with that you are already an author even if you don’t see yourself as one.

Some things that I have written in life are essays for either assignments or tests for my Ela or Social Studies classes. Texting/messaging others is another way that I write in a day to day basis.

I use words on a daily basis, we all do. Words help us communicate and understand one another. I used words by speaking, reading, and writing, these are some way I use words on a daily basis. Learning new words can help me write down what I feel like writing, making it organized and help express what I’m trying to say better so others can understand. This expertise will help me in my college and reading career as I struggle on writing in general so learning new words and reading more can help me see what mistakes I’ve made or better words can be use and improve on my writing skills and abilities.

There are 2 things that I’ve noticed in Mike Bunn’s writing is that he like to ask questions in his writing to keep his reader actively involved and allows to the reader to think about the question and reflect. I wanna try that for myself as when I write I feel that its boring so writing questions on whatever it is that I’m writing about will get readers to be interested. Another thing that I’ve noticed in Mike Bunn’s writing is that he is very descriptive on what he is saying and explain something. He has that ability to be very descriptive and not go off topic and that’s an ability that I want to learn as I also often go off topic when I write so it would be nice to have that ability.

Homework For 9/6

I think Mike Bunn says we are already authors because we all have a story and day by day we write more about it (live our life out). We all have that ability to write and create a bunch of words that end up creating sentences which creates paragraphs and so on.

Everyday I get asked/messaged “how was your day” and I type/write out what I did and how it was, we all write about our days.

Using words on a daily basis not only helps the thought process but it also helps discovering new ways to put words together and make it sound nice all together in a sentence. This will help me expertise my reading and writing skills throughout my college career because I struggle with finding the right words to put or I can never figure out how to make my words compliment each other to sound good.

I noticed Mike Bunn uses a lot of description and details in his writing. I definitely will be using that more as it makes your writing sound better and helps the reader vision and think about the scenario or your thought that you wrote down. I lack adding details to my writing and tend to think my writing is boring because of it, Bunn’s writing had me focused to his words as he always used details. I also lack in describing what I just wrote down. Description is a big part of writing as it adds reasoning and the reader can see the thought process of your sentence you had just wrote down. Both detail and description are huge in authorship, it makes your writing better and more interesting to the reader. I will definitely be using both more often as Mike Bunn made his writing better and more interesting with it.

HW #2

Hello end of term Kemali.

To be honest I hope this semester was different from last one because I don’t think I want to retake anymore classes. I hope you have been working hard to dig yourself out of the hole you dig yourself into and have changed for the better because if we keep this attitude up we aren’t gonna be going anywhere. I know English is literally our worst subject and we would rather be talking any other class but in order to get what we want in life we gotta push through it. If we can improve our writing abilities and pass this class there will be nothing stopping us from graduating other than our own laziness so I’m gonna do what I can to set us up for greatness and I hope you follow through.
Good luck.

Oh and also have you build that pc we where talking about? I still think we are gonna need it for school since we are going for this computer science degree, and also to play games, but mainly for school.