Publication Questions/ Unit 3 Schedule

Part 1. On the @hazingprevention page, they have pictures about the actions people should take in order to prevent hazing. During national hazing prevention week, they consistently posted about taking a pledge to prevent hazing and to participate in their free programs to raise awareness of hazing. In these pictures they have young people take the pledge. That tells me, they think their audience is young people in college or people that want to pledge into a fraternity/sorority. On the page, their pictures usually have a message and they go into more details in the description. They also encourage people to join live webinars where important advocates talk more in depth about hazing and their experiences. The page consists of the colors purple and white. The tone is usually educative and serious. The diction usually used is formal. I think this would be a good publication to reach my intended audience because my intended audience is mostly on this social media platform and I feel like this publication is directly speaking to them. They also have powerful messages on their pictures which I think catch my intended audience’s attention.

Part 2. (Plan for Unit 3) Step 1. Look at pictures hazing websites use//create unique pictures to use and create instagram account (complete by 11/24) Step 2. Create a breakdown of my information for individual posts (complete by 11/30) Step 3. Start posting information on instagram account (complete by 12/5)



Christiana Awode

Prof Stone.

ENG 1101


Part 1

  1. CNN news is a great website for my letter to be published, to get news out there all around. CNN has breaking news, the latest news, and all types of videos, photos, and topics all over the world.
  2. Their audience is the world, whoever is watching or reading their news, this website has so many concerns, subjects, on anything anyone wants to learn about news.
  3. Their articles are like a page long, their videos are about 1 minute and 50 secs.
  4. There are different tones in the website, for breaking news their tone is serious, for regular news causal, concerned, and for entertainment it’s funny.
  5. Casual and formal diction is used.
  6. They use lots of evidence to pack up their news like interviews with people, quotes, other sources and websites, and lots of data.
  7. Their presentation is white background, with black and red writing, with lots of photos, commercials, and videos.
  8. Yes this would be a great website to reach my audience, CNN news is known, they reach the world, and lots of people need to know how racism is affecting people of color.

Part 2

I’m thinking of writing a letter to the people in charge, the congress since they have the power to change laws. I want to gather lots of information, and sources to back up my letter, I want to have videos also as evidence. I want to practice writing in 3rd person, I also want the letter to be very persuasive so the people of the congress can really make a change.


Evidence link:

Article written by Amy Novotney
1. Social Isolation affects the brain and the physical body, because the person going through with this is very distant, with drawn etc, the effects of social isolation are, depression, Suicidal tendencies the Article the text states in (Paragraph 1 line 1-4), “According to a 2018 national survey,loneliness and isolation have increased by over 40%, common with teenages it is most h adult” A professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University, stated that lack of social connection lengthens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or having alcohol use disorder, (Paragraph 2, lines 14-19). She’s also found that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (paragraph 2, lines 17-19). The Evidence for Social Isolation and loneliness are very very thin, but research was conducted via survey and human testing, and some things were confirmed, they placed 2 people in different rooms, one room had a bright light and the other room was pitch black, after 1½ days, both subjects came out and subject one who was in the dark room stated that he felt like his mind was going numb and blank, that he had to scratch at his skin to distract himself from the dark, because he started to hear things that wasn’t there, and subject 2 stated that, his eyes became sensitive to light because of how bright it is and it caused him a lot of distress. This experiment showed that both subjects wanted to get out and leave and so on.
2. Loneliness and Social isolation has been around for thousands of years and it mostly is found in Teens who grew up in a poor neighborhood, had 1 or both abusive parents and overall was or is stressed out.there are different kinds of Loneliness; Chronic, and reactive. Reactive loneliness can occur if a loved one has passed or a divorce. Problems can arise,when an experience of loneliness becomes chronic, a researcher states “If reactive loneliness is painful, chronic loneliness is torturous,” he says. Chronic loneliness is most likely to set in when individuals either don’t have the emotional, mental or financial resources to get out and satisfy their social needs or they lack a social circle that can provide these benefits.
The effects of loneliness and Isolation, loneliness can cause problems both on a person’s physical, mental and cognitive health. Evidence linking perceived social isolation with adverse health,the consequences being:depression, poor sleep quality, impaired executive function, accelerated cognitive decline and poor cardiovascular function.