Intro: Homework #2

Dear end of semester me,

Not a lot of time is going to pass by the time you read this, but I hope you grasp even an ounce of positive change by then. Hopefully, this class will prove beneficial to you. My goal currently is to work on formal writing skills since that would help me secure a position in my career choice. I also want to learn how to better convey my thoughts because I have an issue where it is difficult to translate my thoughts into words. I’ll do what I can, even past this course, to work towards achieving those goals comfortably. I think one of my main pitfalls will be not knowing appropriate vocabulary usage. Adjusting myself to formal and informal settings matters a lot to me so I hope I can work on it.

This is a photo of my friends and I (closest on the right) at the Palisades Mall. A lot of them come to me for help since I’m the oldest in the group and if I can work on my writing skills, it would make it easier for me to help them.

Hw 2

Dear end-of-the-semester self,

By the time I reach you, I hope to have accomplished my goals of improving as a writer and student overall. Specifically, I’d like to improve on my precision skills when it comes to writing. I usually write and don’t look back on what I created, but I’d like to start revising my work at least once or twice to proofread a bit to hopefully make sure my message is being conveyed correctly. As a student I’d like to improve on my time management skills and not procrastinate To leave things for last minute. Writing can potentially help me with this goal a bit because if I see a task as somewhat difficult or annoying to do, I’m sure to leave it for later, but if my writing improves It’s likely that I’ll be able to complete the assignments on time.

Love, beginning-of-semester self

Post for 8/30

One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course is intrigued. My concern for this class is writing in general because I feel like it doesn’t come easy to me as it does for others.

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I chose this picture because I love taking walks in the park. I feel like it’s very calming for me since living in the city can be hectic. It’s also very nice to see the cute flowers.