Topics- Police Bru/World-Child Hun

The topic I would like to know more about is Police Brutality and Child Hunger (Poverty), what I ono based on these 2 topic are they are both a major problem in the world mainly the United States, Police Brutality is when an officer in the PD abuses there given power by the Law, like using citizen righs against them hurting them for no apparent reason when they don’t fight back and etc and Child Hunger as well most children in certain countries like India or Arab don’t have access to food in there area, simply because they are poor and or cannot afford it. What I want to know about these 2 topic is why are they still a Problem in today’s society and why hasn’t the government done anything, why Is the Government and heirachy corrupted. After doing some in depth reason what I now learned about both topics are: one the main cause of police brutality is, high rates of crime, Racial Discrimination and so much more, how this is illegally done is, using improper take down, arresting someone without a cause and or, shooting an individual. This can be show in cases like George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery. And as for Child Hunger and or World Hunger (poverty) the main cause for it is Conflict and War, Food Shortages, poor public policy,Economy and Food waste. These are the main sub points that causes Child Hunger and World Hunger.Child hunger mainly occurs in places such as Nigeria, Ethiopia,South Sudan and Yemen, they countries at the most risk of this is Afghanistan,The republic of Congo,The central African Republic,Haiti, Honduras and Syria.

What I learned from my Research is that these topics that I wrote down and researched are all topics that have Heavily impacted the World and the country as a whole.


10-11- Topics

When I was a kid the main think I was interested in was sculpting and doing Art, I am still interested in that topic but my focus has slightly shifted to architecture cause it’s more intriquiet and involves more hands on Drawing. Asking questions about my topic helped me because it helped me know what I was getting into what I needed to do and the requirements. Well the educational system played an Important role  in my curiosity because it helped me develop more and understand what I’m going to major/ topic, it helped me get better at that topic.


THINK: Start thinking about a topic you are interested in, something you might want to know more about.  This can be something heavy, like police brutality, or it can be something that seems on the surface more light-hearted, like ballet.  The only criteria is that you are actually curious about it.  

This may seem like strange advice, but it can be helpful to go for a walk and think about topics you’d like to write about. Come home and jot down a few notes. By next class you will be expected to have some idea of a topic you’d like to research, even if it’s a bit vague.   



  1. What topic would you like to know more about?  This can be in question form if you like.
  2. K- KNOW: Set your timer for five minutes.  Write that whole time.  It is important that you don’t pause here, so if you are stuck, write “I’m stuck!” But just keep typing.  Write down everything you can about what you KNOW about this topic or question

  3. W-WANT:  Set your timer for another five minutes.  Same thing– you’ll write that whole time.  This time, write what you WANT to know about the topic.

    Here is where you do a little bit of research.  Again, time yourself– spend 10-15 minutes on the Internet looking up your topic.
  4. L-LEARNED: Another five minutes.  Again, write the whole time.  Write what you LEARNED from your 10-15 minutes of internet research.

+-STILL WANT TO KNOW: This is the most important question (but we had to do all of the above to get there!) After doing very basic internet research, what are some questions about your topic that you still want to know? It’s okay if your question has changed a little bit.  Try to come up with questions that you will be able to research for a few weeks! (Hint: NO yes or no questions)