
Evidence link:

Article written by Amy Novotney
1. Social Isolation affects the brain and the physical body, because the person going through with this is very distant, with drawn etc, the effects of social isolation are, depression, Suicidal tendencies the Article the text states in (Paragraph 1 line 1-4), “According to a 2018 national survey,loneliness and isolation have increased by over 40%, common with teenages it is most h adult” A professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University, stated that lack of social connection lengthens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or having alcohol use disorder, (Paragraph 2, lines 14-19). She’s also found that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (paragraph 2, lines 17-19). The Evidence for Social Isolation and loneliness are very very thin, but research was conducted via survey and human testing, and some things were confirmed, they placed 2 people in different rooms, one room had a bright light and the other room was pitch black, after 1½ days, both subjects came out and subject one who was in the dark room stated that he felt like his mind was going numb and blank, that he had to scratch at his skin to distract himself from the dark, because he started to hear things that wasn’t there, and subject 2 stated that, his eyes became sensitive to light because of how bright it is and it caused him a lot of distress. This experiment showed that both subjects wanted to get out and leave and so on.
2. Loneliness and Social isolation has been around for thousands of years and it mostly is found in Teens who grew up in a poor neighborhood, had 1 or both abusive parents and overall was or is stressed out.there are different kinds of Loneliness; Chronic, and reactive. Reactive loneliness can occur if a loved one has passed or a divorce. Problems can arise,when an experience of loneliness becomes chronic, a researcher states “If reactive loneliness is painful, chronic loneliness is torturous,” he says. Chronic loneliness is most likely to set in when individuals either don’t have the emotional, mental or financial resources to get out and satisfy their social needs or they lack a social circle that can provide these benefits.
The effects of loneliness and Isolation, loneliness can cause problems both on a person’s physical, mental and cognitive health. Evidence linking perceived social isolation with adverse health,the consequences being:depression, poor sleep quality, impaired executive function, accelerated cognitive decline and poor cardiovascular function.

Research Question

My research question is: What does isolation do to the brain and how it affects mental cognition.

I’m interested in this question because I want to know how isolating someone for a long period of time affects how they act when they interact with someone again, what will the isolation do to the person etc. What I expect to find in the research is How the Brain is affected, mental wise and how their behavior will be etc. If I do find information that is different from what I initially thought I will still write about it and get my point across and get the information I need, specific info for a fact.

Topics- Police Bru/World-Child Hun

The topic I would like to know more about is Police Brutality and Child Hunger (Poverty), what I ono based on these 2 topic are they are both a major problem in the world mainly the United States, Police Brutality is when an officer in the PD abuses there given power by the Law, like using citizen righs against them hurting them for no apparent reason when they don’t fight back and etc and Child Hunger as well most children in certain countries like India or Arab don’t have access to food in there area, simply because they are poor and or cannot afford it. What I want to know about these 2 topic is why are they still a Problem in today’s society and why hasn’t the government done anything, why Is the Government and heirachy corrupted. After doing some in depth reason what I now learned about both topics are: one the main cause of police brutality is, high rates of crime, Racial Discrimination and so much more, how this is illegally done is, using improper take down, arresting someone without a cause and or, shooting an individual. This can be show in cases like George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery. And as for Child Hunger and or World Hunger (poverty) the main cause for it is Conflict and War, Food Shortages, poor public policy,Economy and Food waste. These are the main sub points that causes Child Hunger and World Hunger.Child hunger mainly occurs in places such as Nigeria, Ethiopia,South Sudan and Yemen, they countries at the most risk of this is Afghanistan,The republic of Congo,The central African Republic,Haiti, Honduras and Syria.

What I learned from my Research is that these topics that I wrote down and researched are all topics that have Heavily impacted the World and the country as a whole.