Homework for 9/6

What Mike Bunn means by the phrase, “You are already an author.” is that we are all writers at some capacity, big or small.  I already write in terms of sending emails and responses to professors and my superiors at work. I write all the time texting my friends on different social media services.  In these two separate instances I write professionally to school people and job people, and then much more casually to my friends.  This skill allows me to prioritize how to talk to which people in order to get the most out of everything that I am writing to them.  Writing formally to a superior with good vocabulary will net me more points with them and they will look upon me better then employees who do not. It will show my level of verbal skill and be equated to that of an actual educated person who in turn will be more valuable to the job and more likely to be invested in for promotions in the future.

In my writing, I would like to be descriptive in my approach to how I present information.  Specifically, just like Bunn, I wish to describe in great detail the settings of places, just like he did with the old movie theater and how he was describing very particular things about it like the place it was located, who owned it, and what it was like inside.  I want to convey a true sense of imagery in my writing so that people know exactly what I am talking about.  In order to do that, I will most definitely have to spend a few sentences just writing about the details of a place I am talking about, an object I am looking at or handling, an action that is taking place, etc. Depending on certain things it may or may not be appropriate of necessary to be constantly describing things lest it becomes repetitive and an overused feature, but it makes things more meaningful in the long run.

Intro: Homework#2

Hello end of semester me,

Hope your in high spirits over there, that’d give me a lot of faith for the next three semesters.  It’d prove to me that I still got it in me to get through a school year despite all the obstacles I’ll undoubtedly come across from here till I reach you over there.   But of course I know better, you’ve been lazy, procrastinated, tried to put things off until you couldn’t anymore, but still managed to make it to the end in one piece because you really want what’s at the end of all this.  You want to make it to where you don’t have to deal with any of this anymore, finally earn a win, and have some peace of mind for once that a huge hurdle in your life is finally over. Writing will allow you to just vent and decompress pent up thoughts and frustrations no doubt, but it can have productive side effects as well. You’ll use it to talk to people as you always have, and it’ll help you carry out a hell of a lot of nice conversations with people of all kinds. You’ll get to know them better, which is great, because the more you get to know a person the more you learn from them about things you might never have known otherwise, and that is always a win.  Wherever you feel like going after school is over, you’ll make it, no doubt in my mind.

Post for 8/30


I don’t like school, it involuntarily causes me stress and anxiety all the time and it’s made up too much of my life as it is. I want to close this chapter of my life for good so that I can finally start truly living.

I am a simple guy with simple needs. My goals are simple as well: do the work, get the degree, get the job, cash money, and this picture robbed straight from Google Images exemplifies that.

Raining money on a celebrating business man looking to the side Stock Photo | Adobe Stock