Email For Andrew

Dear professor Stone,

I’m in your English class which we meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For unit one, things have been going well lately so far. I feel like the layout of my essay is good and very informative. I like these types of topics that you want us to discuss because there are things we have inside of us that we wish to express.

Thank you for your time!

Sincerely, Yordy Abreu

English 1101


I don’t know if it was an incident, but Covid 19 and the pandemic. These two completely interrupted my learning and high school experience. So much happened in such a short period and so fast. When the virus developed into an emergency-level threat, the government was forced to shut down New York to reduce the pace the virus was spreading at. This affected business heavily. The hospitals were flooded with patients with covid, which left people with non-covid problems such as back pain, sore throats, and pain in a particular area forced to stay in their homes with whatever pain they had because they could not be attended to by the hospital. Schools were heavily affected in such a big way, causing students and teachers to transition to something never used before, which was zoom. Students were so distracted with covid that doing online work/school was difficult, and learning was not the same.

The pandemic heavily affected me in ways I thought were possible. I thought the world would end since that’s what the news and the media were spreading worldwide. I was beginning the 11th grade when the pandemic started and only experienced a little percent. I didn’t have school in mind at the time. All I thought about was ways to protect my family and myself from covid. Ways I Protected or helped reduce covid in my house were by cleaning literally every day, wearing masks when we had to go outside to buy groceries at 6 feet distance, and wearing gloves to prevent any chance of getting Covid. My family and close friends were my motivated me in a heavy way by telling me about their ups and down in life, and we have to keep fighting through those ups and downs. Things like we are close to graduating, and giving up now, don’t seem right. Words like that helped me in significant ways and created a light inside of me that gave me the motivation to stay on track with school, even though it’s through a computer and now in a classroom.


Question One: Think of any speciific incidents that changed your views on education/learning.

I don’t know if it was an incident, but Covid 19 and the pandemic. These two completely interrupted my learning and high school experience. So much happened in such a short period and so fast. When the virus developed into an emergency-level threat, the government was forced to shut down New York to reduce the pace the virus was spreading at. This affected business heavily. The hospitals were flooded with patients with covid, which left people with non-covid problems such as back pain, sore throats, and pain in a particular area forced to stay in their homes with whatever pain they had because they could not be attended to by the hospital. Schools were heavily affected in such a big way, causing students and teachers to transition to something never used before, which was zoom. Students were so distracted with covid that doing online work/school was difficult, and learning was not the same.

Quesition number three. Topics that Ill like to talk about about or like to write about.

1.Coivid and the pandemic will be a good topic becuase its something that not only affected me but the whole world.

2.Learning a specific way in highschool is going to determine how college will be for you. What you lanr in high school is soemthing that will imoact you heavily  in college.

3.Why having confidence is a true factor of unlocking the best version of yourself.