HW for 10/18

What is Domestic Violence? 

It’s abuse within a household. Though typically against a spouse/partner, it often includes children too. To me, this is a despicable crime. An insult to our evolution as an intelligent species. How can one be willing to harm family in such a way? To harm those who should mean the world to them? This is what interests me in this dark topic. Fortunately, I don’t think I have first hand experience with this heinous topic. However, I knew someone who used to say that their father would attempt to abuse them when he was drunk at home. Thankfully, I believe the problem is no longer occurring, especially considering that the victim is now married and lives away from their parents. During my research period, I expect to find information on criminals who have dabbled in Domestic Violence as I’d like to perhaps find out what makes them tick. Perhaps there are similarities between those kinds of people. I also expect to find numerous types of “violence” that fall under my topic. Some believe “violence” is simply physical, but “violence” is much more than that. I believe it can be verbal and psychological too. I definitely expect to find statistics while doing research because statistics are typically associated with most crime topics. It’s likely that the statistics will show women as the main victims of domestic violence, wild guess probably mostly black women too. I’d like to know if men are catching up to women in this scenario considering that it’s 2022 and things really are changing. Also just a curious question: how do people of the LGBTQ+ community impact these statistics? Are there statistics even being taken on this topic now in 2022? If I happen to find information that goes completely against what I expected to find, i’d write about it as long as it’s relevant to the overall topic. I wouldn’t mind adding a section that contradicts my views/expectations on the topic as it shows open mindedness and a sort of neutrality I suppose. 

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