HW for 9/13

1 topic/idea that I think I will want to write about for my unit 1 assignment is how I barely felt challenged in my public high school. I think it would be a good subject to write about because I think it made me view the public school system differently and I feel like it’s important to be challenged when you’re going to school. Another topic/idea that I think I will want to write about is how my identity made me view school/education differently. I think it would be a good subject to write about because I feel like others would be able to relate to it and it’s a huge reason on why I have kept myself in school. A 3rd topic/idea that I think I will want to write about is how skipping a class/course made me view education differently. I think it would be a good subject to talk about because it has influenced my goals in life and I feel like others would relate to it or writing about it will influence others to view things differently.

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