Unit 3 Proposal

I want to teach my audience about the effects of hazing such as alcohol poisoning. The specific audience I’m trying to reach is college students but specifically freshman because I feel like they are more bound to peer pressure and they want to fit in more when they go to college for the first time. The genre I am planning to write in is social media posts because I believe most young adults are consumed by social media so I feel like this would reach the audience I’m targeting.  I would hypothetically publish this text on instagram because I believe a large percentage of young adults that are college freshman are on instagram. I intend to get started by first starting off with writing about the history of hazing. I think it will create a base for me instead of just getting right into the effects/risks of hazing and it is also part of my research from unit 2. My concerns about finishing this project is the pictures I will be using for the posts because I feel like the visuals will take a huge part on whether the audience will read more and become aware of the risks of hazing.

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