Homework for 10/27

The World Health Organization posted an article on March 2,2022 detailing the damage that the coronavirus has caused over the past two years to the mental health of people across the world.  In the first year of the pandemic, the article states that the prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25%.  This huge increase in mental health problems from the global population has prompted the World Health Organization to issue a warning for countries around the world to increase their mental health services and support for people suffering from mental health issues.  The organization has described that the reasons for such a huge increase in global mental health problems is because of the increased stress from the social isolation caused from the pandemic, and peoples’ lessened ability to work and seek support from friends and family.  Stress caused by the fear of infection, loneliness from being stuck at home, and financial instability caused by the pandemic have also been stress factors.  The ones suffering the most from the pandemic as stated by WHO are young people who are at higher risk of suicide and self-harm, women, and people with pre-existing physical and mental health conditions.  A severe increase in the frequency of mental health care problems has caused a huge strain on the availability of mental health care services, causing it to be unobtainable by people who need it most.  WHO and its partners are doing their best to make sure mental health care in as many forms as possible become available for as many people as possible.

“In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, according to a scientific brief released by the World Health Organization (WHO) today.”

“Since the early days of the pandemic, WHO and partners have worked to develop and disseminate resources in multiple languages and formats to help different groups cope with and respond to the mental health impacts of COVID-19.”

“While the pandemic has generated interest in and concern for mental health, it has also revealed historical under-investment in mental health services. Countries must act urgently to ensure that mental health support is available to all.”

The World Health Organization is the world’s leading power in global health care and maintenance who are issuing statements of warning and action for people all over the world who are suffering from the increased prevalence on anxiety and depression caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

They speak in an urgent tone, trying to convince countries around the world to invest more in their mental health care services in order to assist the most people in need of them during these difficult times.  Their influence as the specialized global health agency of the United Nations itself gives weight to their words and importance to take action and make sure that everyone who is suffering from mental health degradation can obtain the necessary health care to combat it.

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