HW 10/27

1)WRITE-  My source is a youtube video called ”Breathe, Nolan, Breathe- The Nolan Burch Story”. The youtube video is about a hazing incident that happened in a fraternity. The victim was named Nolan Burch and he had died from alcohol overdose. The youtube video includes interviews from the victim’s(Nolan) friends, parents and doctor. They even included an author of preventing hazing. They talk about the events that happened the day Nolan overdosed and show how the witnesses acted when they were interviewed. They show videos of how Nolan was treated while he was overdosed in the house. The doctor explains what Nolan was going through during the overdose and explains in depth about his blood alcohol level. Throughout the video they make it clear how wrong hazing is and how Nolan’s life could have been saved if someone would just have helped him when they saw him get worse.

2) PASTE- (1)”In the case with Nolan, I mean his pledge brothers seem to be prioritizing their allegiance to an organization that they are barely apart of for a short period of time over the life of a fellow human being that they knew.” (2) ”So if you weigh 140 pounds and you drink 17 mixed drinks in an hour, your blood-alcohol level will be .650. That’s 8x the legal limit. The lethal dose where 50% of people die from alcohol poisoning is .400.”

3)WRITE- The director is Daniel E. Catullo III and he used to attend West Virginia University where Nolan Burch was a freshman. Their attitude toward the subject is concerned. He partnered with WVU to bring focus on anti-hazing. The primary audience would be those involved in fraternity groups and those thinking of joining. Other audiences besides the primary one might be college students and those in charge in colleges because they could also bring awareness to hazing and inform their peers consistently. They could talk to incoming college freshman so they could think twice before they join fraternities. This author created this text because hazing has happened many times now and it is something that can be easily prevented. It was shown by the West Virginia University for a safety campaign. The purpose of this documentary is to show college students the effects of hazing, how it affects those around the victim, and how not being a bystander can save a life.

This genre is the best one to address to their audience because in the beginning of the video, they used a tape where a young man was trying to save Nolan and I think this makes the audience realize how serious hazing is. They constantly show tapes of how Nolan’s peers were kicking him and making fun of his state. This should make the audience outraged. The tone is serious, concerned and depressing. The appeals they used were logos and pathos. Nolan’s parents emphasize how heartbroken they are from losing their only son. They chose those because the audience would feel empathy for victims of hazing and this would cause the audience to want to see a change.

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