KWL HW 10/13

  1. The topic I would like to know more about is the backstory of Mexico sinking. 2. K-KNOW: I know that one of the reasons it’s sinking is because they get their water resource from below the ground. I know it also has to deal with the aztec. The sinking has caused buildings to tilt and some have broken from the sides. I know that one building has not been affected. 3. W- Want: I want to know what the aztec had to do with the sinking (more in depth information). I also want to know if there’s other factors that caused this sinking. 4.L-Learned: I learned that it’s sinking because of the result of a geological phenomenon called subsidence. Researches think parts of the city could drop by as much as 65 feet and spots just outside the city could sink 100 feet. I learned that other places are sinking as well such as Indonesia. I learned that there is no way to fix the issue. +STILL WANT TO KNOW: Some questions I still have are what did the aztec have to do with the sinking. The articles I read did not go into depth about that and that’s what I’m curious about. I also still want to know more information on why the sinking is unfixable.

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