KWL + 10/13

KWL+ on Domestic Violence

Know: Physical abuse among a family counts as domestic violence. Domestic violence can impact the children of the household by increasing the chance of them committing violence in their future household as well as in school. Domestic violence can lower a child’s self esteem. Domestic violence is illegal.

Want: I’d like to know if domestic violence goes beyond physical abuse. Does domestic violence go beyond the household? Is it illegal in most if not all countries? I’m stuck. What are the typical punishments for domestic violence? Is it more common for males to commit this crime? What age group typically commits this crime?

Learned: Domestic violence includes verbal, physical, emotional, psychological damage, etc. Economic domestic violence occurs when there is a restriction of economic resources to which one is entitled. Denying medical care counts as physical abuse. Domestic violence seems to only include intimate partners and children, rather than others like friends. Women appear to suffer from domestic violence. This crime can occur in any type of relationship (heterosexual, homosexual, etc). Some countries in Asia and Africa do not have laws against domestic violence (Haiti, Pakistan, etc). Typical punishment for domestic violence include Jail time (usually about a year), or fines (1k-5k).

Still want to know: Is there any form of compensation to victims of domestic violence? Is domestic violence more common to occur to children or adults? What are the other side effects to commiting domestic violence (sex offenders must tell their neighborhoods)?

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