Homework 1.2

In the article, Mike Bunn writes ” You are already an author.” There is a meaning when he says this. When Mike Bunn says this in the article, he means that everybody in their own way is an author, whether is writing something or even saying something. An example of being an author can be just as simple as telling someone how your day went or telling them something that has happened to you. This is an example of authorship because telling someone how your day went or something that has happened to you can engage them in putting themselves in your point of view. There are more reasons to why everyone is an author in many ways. Some people are very funny to be around. That can be a way of authorship because think about like this, if people like what you say and it makes them happy and they would want more of it which brings attention to you, that makes you an author and them the listener that want to hear more. That existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing. I know that it will help me with reading and writing because I am creative at writing and when I read, I always put myself in the authors point of view any time I’m reading. In Bunn’s article I noticed that he questioned ” What is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing? “. This will help me with my writings and find a purpose to the type of writing that I make. I realized that having a purpose to what you write is important in many ways. One way it can help is that other people who read your writing can relate to your piece. Bunn also questions ” who is the intended audience? “. This can help me write and not only focus on one person reading but also write as if im talking to a whole audience.

HW 1.2 “How to Read like a Writer”

In Mike Bunn’s article “How to Read Like a Writer,” he discusses his main idea of learning how to write” (p. 72). Readers using this method are forced to set specific intentions. The author gives readers numerous questions to ask or think about while reading. This will further develop your writing skills. In this article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author”. I interpret this quote as, since all readers have written before, analyzing the choices authors make in their writing is something we as writers must do as well. Reading with the intention of learning from their techniques and choices allows readers to fully develop a more analytical way of reading. We are constantly authors, whether it’s as small as a quick text, an Instagram post, homework assignments, or even your final paper. Writing is a major form of communication that everyone uses in their everyday lives. Bunn described on page 76 the importance of thinking about an author’s purpose and intended audience. Though this seems like a simple tip, this will help me both with my college reading and writing, as it gives me major context while reading and allows me to plan out the way I write. One important tip I took away from Bunn’s article was recognizing the various devices the author used to grab the reader’s attention. I chose this tip because it functions almost like research for writers in order to develop new techniques for telling stories in the most readable manner possible. Additionally, when I write, I constantly struggle to engage the reader in the opening paragraph. In Bunn’s article, I truly enjoyed his introduction. He sets a scene with very descriptive details and even background on his life at the time he discovered this reading technique. The reason I enjoyed this part so much was that, though this article is focused on the technique itself, the story he told really compelled me to read it, as it had kind of a narrative feel at the beginning.

H.W. 1.1: Intro

One word that explains how i feel about starting my college experience is  definitely scary. College is an experience that when you first start it, you never know what you’re doing. It’s a huge transition from high school.  Whenever I study I almost always need to be in a clean/ organized space. Music is a must as well. But I never listen to music with lyrics. It tends to distract me. So I would usually listen to Lofi-Pop playlists. One of the many worries that I have about college is the deadlines that are assigned to students. They are super strict and I’m scared that if the content is difficult it would take me a little bit longer to completely finish the assignment. But not in the time that the assignment is due. But along with that is self-accountability.

This picture below is one of me and my best friend. This means a lot to me because I love to surround myself with people I love and who support me through thick and thin.