Unit 3 Proposal

What I plan to do for my Unit 3 project is to explain the Multiverse theory. I also plan to explain how it can be a reality with the form of a comic strips. Why I decided to pick comic strips? Well I feel like connecting with my audience through comic strips has always been my best way of receiving attention for stuff I love so why not do it for this project. I also feel like the mysterious topic of the multiverse is a great way to be introduced through comic strips. The audience that I hope to receive from my comic strip are people like me who are fascinated in the multiple worlds of the multiverse. The only issue I think I will have with this project is finishing the comic strips since it takes time to do each panel and where to get started. However I believe I would start with the storyboard and then draw it on my iPad.

Artist’s Statement Hw 3.2

When I started this Unit project I was very excited about the topic I chose for this unit. Learning about ancient Rome is something I was very interested in throughout high school. I remember sitting down in class in my freshman year and having this amazing teacher that liked history a lot and how society has changed throughout time. I remember entering class that day and he wanted to talk about a different topic, that was about ancient Rome, something that not a lot of teachers don’t teach to their students nowadays. Coming to that class that day I had no idea about ancient Rome or the history of it even my classmates didn’t knew anything about that topic. It was something new to all of us. I grew very interested when he started talking about Julies Cesar and many great leaders that came from Rome. Also how great was Rome and the technology it brought to our society for example: Solar Power the Romans used the Sun as a passive solar heat source for buildings. Also Romans constructed numerous aqueducts to supply water throughout the cities. But he only talked about this topic for only two class periods and since then I always wanted to learn more about it but didn’t know where to start. The purpose of me making this project is to teach others about ancient Rome and the impact it had on our society. We learn and adapt to a lot of Rome technology and laws to improve our society. The audience I am going for are high schoolers and teachers. I think this will be the best target because it’s something that students won’t find boring and can learn something new from it. Also help them in the real world by learning law, science, or even engineering. I feel like as high schoolers they can be creative and adaptive to their environment. Giving this lesson to them can help them a lot. It’s something someone might not think about. I can see my work being shown to other schools by teachers or even students. This topic can be taught to any age group if you make it fun and interesting to learn. At first I picked a documentary style as my genre but then I found out that it’s harder than what I thought it was going to be. I wanted to look perfect and appealing but it didn’t turn out that way. So I change it to a lecture or a lesson. I found it way better because I can use highly educated words and make it fun with a slideshow. In the slideshow they’re going to have pictures, videos, and quotes from great leaders. This is the best for my audience because it’s going to be engaging and fun. It’s hard just sitting in a class for multiple hours so by adding things to do and interact with can be more interesting. Also I can change it or even improve it over time. Feedbacks can help me a lot at how I can make my lesson more interesting and fun while still learning from this lesson/lecture.


I first started by looking at good examples of slideshows while getting information about ancient Rome. I like how the slide shows ended up looking. I have pictures and videos that can make it easier to teach and learn key information about Rome. So far it went well. The only thing was putting everything together and making sure the flow is good and not all over the place. Having the right things on the slideshow can really make an impact on the finishing product. Everything I had on my Unit 2 research I have on the slide made it easier for me to strat. I think it turned out great. I like it a lot. I made a lot of changes on my slide making it appealing. I don’t think I would change anything or do it differently. I like how it turned out to be. It was in the middle not too hard or easy to do once I knew how to start it got better and the flow of my work. I had days where it was hard for me to get it done or work on it because I overthink too much and do much to make it look better. Having this as a college project is great. I think it’s much better than writing essays and reading articles. Having this to do was fun because it made me be creative and not get bored. I can see this being used more because it’s different and fun to have you don’t feel trapped and repetitive of doing the same things every time.

HW 3.2: Artist statement draft)

Social Media is an artistic expression because it’s expressing your humanity. It’s one of the biggest platforms now and most likely always will be , people use it to resolve or give notice to historical event or world issue to spread the word it’s not just about a like button on photos and videos and I’m not against it because it does come with benefits and it can really help society share breaking news that can change the world, which is happening today . It would get better knowing that the disadvantages of social media don’t exist any more, that the programmers and lawmakers did better to respect and secure a person’s privacy to be able to speak louder on what a person wants to share without fear. 

When I chose to write about the privacy of Social Media I found out the creativity it comes with and the impact it has on society where people would post a video of a public figure and in minutes it’s on every page , now people find the identity of that public figure and their location, so much information. Instead of seeing the bigger picture of what a person is trying to spread to the world it’s more important to find out about their life and that only happens because people lose their rights the moment it hits the internet. With that being said my purpose for making this project is to share the issue to bring to people’s attention and for people who are already interested to want to make a change to make it more heard about so it can get to a place where social media is a safe environment to make society better. 

I wanna share this in a more artistic way bringing both old and new in one to be able to catch the younger and older audience’s eye and with an old newspaper with the same aesthetic, just digital that’s a form of art.  Where you swipe left and right and read people’s opinion on this because that’s part of what I would wanna do is ask people ,friends, what they think about the regulations on social media or if they care about it. Researching on how old newspapers would catch a person’s attention whether it was about fashion or political issues, people would read it based on the images and the big huge title and the different stories to read in columns. In those columns I could add the quotes I got from people or online, getting the readers interested to read other than my words and opinions and it is important to hear more than my words. Finally being able to publish it and having people looking,reading it without getting bored and invested in it that’s the point.