
When I was learning more about the social media world and the unsafe it is, it’s a bit terrifying of how much social media has control over you when you don’t even know it. That’s exactly what I want my audience to know more about.  The audience I’m trying to reach out is mobile app developers, The FCC ( Federal Communications Commission),  and most importantly ever person possibly. The reason I would want the developers to hear about these things is for them to learn what they bring out to people and how they can improve their security so people can still use what they create since that’s what it is about to them. The FCC can develop better regulations and safety precautions when it comes to person’s private data.

To bring my bibliography to much more attention I would wanna make into a newspaper which is the genere I picked and it is because people don’t really use newspaper because social media now broadcast’s everything INE seconds so talking  about social media in a newspaper which would catch people’s eyes by them realizing that this problem about social media can even which a newspaper that’s important. My first step is to learn more about newspapers and how writers who wrote newspaper caught a person’s eye and use my words into there phrases. A concern of mine though would be readers would see as too old fashioned and boring but it’s up to me to use the words from this generation and bring alive to an old fashion reality.

Alexis Abraham_Unit 3_Writing In A New Genre (And Reaching Your Audience!)

What was the cause of the Canadian Wildfires, is my research topic. I did a lot of research for this project. I looked at a lot of news articles, blogs and YouTube videos to find which sources worked best to answer my research question. I believe the sources I choose provided the best information I could use. My genres are a blog, a digital news article and a YouTube documentary. I think these genres are fine for doing research but if I wanted to educate, inform and bring attention to the causes of the Canadian Wildfires I would create a Podcast. I believe a Podcast would be an excellent genre to spread the word about the Canadian Wildfires and the causes. My audience is Gen Z, this is my age group; ages 13-24 and we love Podcasts. 47% of Gen Z listen to Podcasts monthly. That’s about 24 million Americans in my age group listening to Podcasts monthly! Podcasts are a way to speak your mind on a topic you feel passionate about to a wide audience. I want my Gen Z audience to know the fires in Canada are not unusual and happen annually helping to regenerate the forest ecosystem. I want them to know fires are an important part of nature but unfortunately, the Canadian wildfires that occurred this season are not normal and are a very serious result of the negligence of humanity. They need to know previous generations just allowed big oil and industrial corporations to pollute our planet with no accountability. I want to use my Podcast to bring attention to our society’s dependence on oil, gas, plastic and cars; and all the other materials we use in our daily lives that pollute the atmosphere, the ocean and our entire planet are directly to blame for the climate crisis we currently find ourselves in. I want to breakdown the science in a way my Gen Z audience will understand, the information featured on my Podcast will be clear that the climate crisis is to blame in one form or another for the out of control Canadian wildfires that burned 34 million acres of land this year, displaced thousands of people from their homes and sent large amounts of toxic orange smoke across the Northern East Coast of the United States and as far away as Norway. My Podcasts will discuss the urgency to my Gen Z audience of working together to make some changes. I would stress to my audience not in a lecturing way but in a way that lets them know if we dont wake up and address the climate crisis now, today, we will not have a planet left to live on! The Canadian wildfires will have burned everything up to a barren wasteland that cannot regenerate itself and that would be bad for every generation!


I want to teach my audience how to build a business. I want to explain the differences between just building a business versus building a company, and how to achieve both simultaneously in conjunction with one another.  Asking how to build a business is a loaded question as there are impossibly many variables, as well as answers to that question. Therefore, I have decide to focus on those who have both the creative/ constructive ability to make garments uniquely theirs, and a drive to share that with the world. Like for myself, the business aspects of the fashion industry seem daunting. I am here to break all of it down into small, easily digestible pieces. In this blog, I will take you with me throughout my journey. I am not only going to answer questions and tell you what to do, and what not to do. I will fully demonstrate everything. I will lay out what to do, do it, and report back with my experience. Hopefully, uncovering answers to questions I didn’t know needed answering. The first step; make a game-plan. A checklist perhaps. A long with that, I will create the platform on which I will be posting. My only concern I have about this project is time. A few steps, I assume will involve filing forms and getting different forms back from the government. Being the government, it may take extremely long for everything to processed. Hopefully, if it does take too long I will be able to complete next steps while waiting for a response.