
I want to teach my audience how to build a business. I want to explain the differences between just building a business versus building a company, and how to achieve both simultaneously in conjunction with one another.  Asking how to build a business is a loaded question as there are impossibly many variables, as well as answers to that question. Therefore, I have decide to focus on those who have both the creative/ constructive ability to make garments uniquely theirs, and a drive to share that with the world. Like for myself, the business aspects of the fashion industry seem daunting. I am here to break all of it down into small, easily digestible pieces. In this blog, I will take you with me throughout my journey. I am not only going to answer questions and tell you what to do, and what not to do. I will fully demonstrate everything. I will lay out what to do, do it, and report back with my experience. Hopefully, uncovering answers to questions I didn’t know needed answering. The first step; make a game-plan. A checklist perhaps. A long with that, I will create the platform on which I will be posting. My only concern I have about this project is time. A few steps, I assume will involve filing forms and getting different forms back from the government. Being the government, it may take extremely long for everything to processed. Hopefully, if it does take too long I will be able to complete next steps while waiting for a response.

Unit 3 Proposal

What I plan to do for my Unit 3 project is to explain the Multiverse theory. I also plan to explain how it can be a reality with the form of a comic strips. Why I decided to pick comic strips? Well I feel like connecting with my audience through comic strips has always been my best way of receiving attention for stuff I love so why not do it for this project. I also feel like the mysterious topic of the multiverse is a great way to be introduced through comic strips. The audience that I hope to receive from my comic strip are people like me who are fascinated in the multiple worlds of the multiverse. The only issue I think I will have with this project is finishing the comic strips since it takes time to do each panel and where to get started. However I believe I would start with the storyboard and then draw it on my iPad.

Unit 3 Proposal

My researched topic is what has been the legacy of the Roman civilization in terms of language, culture, and governance? 

For the unit 3 proposal I would do a modern documentary style for my research project. My audience is going to be schools (teachers and students) learning the importance of ancient history and the impact it had and brought to our society. The thing I’ll teach to my audience is the legacy of Rome. In this documentary it will be a brief summary of Rome civilization, how it started and how it grew to be known as the most powerful civilization it was. The legacy in terms of language, culture, and governance. Also their downfall and where is Rome today and the impact it brought to our society. Also key things that society learns and adapts to. My goal for my audience is going to be making sure of the importance of history and how it made society adapt and improve over the years. I choose this because it’s a topic I’m very interested in and learn more about. I think we as a society dont really give much credit to the ancient world. My plan is to first get as much information about my topic, then look around for examples of documents style writing. Make sure that I have pictures and good writing work. Something i’m worried about is if i don’t end up like it then i dont what other thing to do it as.

Unit 3 proposal

My genre for unit 3 is a letter to the education council. Since my topic was based on the role religion plays in education. I feel like this is a good choice since I was searching for the impact religion can have on education as well. Writing a letter to my target audience can go both ways since it all depends on how the person views religion. My target audience will be educators and the department of education. What I would like to show my audience that I learned is that religion has its cons and pros. It mostly has pros since the only con would be that there are so many religions, and it will be complicated to pick one to teach. To me religion can be a way to help students develop in a more successful way. My steps to create my letter will be searching up who I really have to send it to. I would have to make my letter be as professional and concrete as possible. I feel like my letter needs to be detailed on my topic and have actual facts. My biggest concern is what if I didn’t pick the right genre for my topic.