H.W 3.2

The music was so captivating, and I found myself completely drawn to the rhythms and melodies. From that moment on, my interest in jazz grew, and I wanted to learn more about its history, impact, and influence. That’s what inspired me to create this project and share my passion for jazz with others.

I decided to write about jazz and its influences on today’s society and literature, i grew up around Art, jazz being a form of it, whether it was music, writing or acting. My purpose for creating this project was to share interesting and engaging information about jazz with people who are interested and want to know more about jazz. I wanted to spark curiosity and appreciation for this incredible genre of music, literature etc. It’s always exciting to have conversations and connect with others over shared interests.Jazz is an incredibly influential genre of music that emerged in the early 20th century. Its unique blend of African rhythms, European harmonies, and improvisation has shaped the musical landscape in profound ways. Jazz has not only influenced other genres like rock, pop, and hip-hop, but it has also played a significant role in promoting social change and breaking down racial barriers. It has been a platform for self-expression, creativity, and cultural exchange. Today, jazz continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world, reminding us of its enduring impact on society. I wanted to share this information with anyone who’s interested in learning about jazz and its influence on society. I imagined sharing this piece through various mediums like articles, social media, and even presentations. To appeal to the audience, I used a combination of facts (logos) to showcase the influence of jazz, emotions (pathos) to highlight its impact on culture, and the credibility of jazz musicians (ethos) to emphasize its significance.

 Jazz can be introduced in a newspaper to showcase its cultural impact and highlight upcoming events. Introducing jazz in a newspaper allows for wider reach and exposure to a diverse audience. It helps promote upcoming jazz events, share artist profiles, and explore the genre’s influence on other art forms. It’s a way to celebrate the rich history and vibrant presence of jazz in a widely accessible format. Newspapers have a wide readership, so it helps reach a diverse audience and expose them to the beauty and cultural significance of jazz. It can include articles about jazz history, profiles of talented musicians, upcoming jazz events, and album reviews. By featuring jazz in a newspaper, it brings attention to the genre, educates readers, and encourages them to explore and appreciate jazz music. Throughout the process of writing the newspaper, I was struggling to figure out the right placement and knowing how much information to put out, i didn’t want to overwhelm my readers but I also wanted to get them intrigued by the idea of jazz and want to learn more about it. Jazz has a timeless appeal that transcends age boundaries. It resonates with people of all ages because it offers something for everyone. Younger people may appreciate the energy and improvisation, while older generations may have nostalgic connections to the classic jazz standards. Jazz can evoke a range of emotions and create a sense of nostalgia or excitement, making it a versatile and captivating genre for people of all ages.It was actually a lot of fun and not too difficult! I enjoyed researching and sharing information about jazz. As for using this in the future, I definitely think it could be useful. Sharing knowledge and sparking conversations is always a great way to connect with others. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to share more interesting topics with people in the future!

HW 3.2 Rough Draft of Artist Statement

Rough Draft of Artist Statement

1.Arts have been a part of me my whole life. I have always found myself within the work of creating and appreciating art. It is who I am today. I Am an artist. I started studying art when I was 10 years old. I took advanced art classes and when it came time to talk about ancient artifacts in history class I was all ears. Also, playing the piano since I was 5 years old, taking dancing classes, being the soloist of my school and part of the city’s choir played a huge part. Being so in touch with all different forms of art is so beautiful. So for me a museum is an Arts home. While living in New York City there’s huge access to many amazing museums. I Am a regular at the Met Museum and many other small museums in New York, but I have to say that The Met is what raised this interest in me wanting to learn more about this topic. It was September 2018, my aunt was visiting me from France and she decided to take me to the Met. Upon arriving at The Met I remember being so excited, one because I got to skip school and two because I was going to look at art, my passion. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and experience all the emotions I went through all over again. Now six years later I still get that feeling because even though the world outside has changed everything inside is still the same.We all know how popular The Met is and how many people from all over the world visit, along with many other museums, such as MoMa, American Museum of Natural History and many others in all five boroughs. This is all my background information. My purpose of making this project is to get more in touch with the audience and combine all these different pieces of information in one and create art at the very end. My audience is artists and museum collectors. It’s important to reach out to young artists and future collectors , as they’re just starting to dive into this interest. I see my piece being distributed in bookstores, libraries etcetera. I choose this genre because I as an artist would love to have this. A magazine would give you the opportunity to include more color and visuals, making it engaging for my audience. It could also be sentimental and something that can be passed down to generations. 

  1. First I plan to start with gathering more information and maybe find some examples that I can refer to. I’m a little bit worried about it not being boring while including enough information. As well as not including a lot of words and many visual examples because that is how artists learn and work best. Then I come to a conclusion as to what I want my final to be. I decided to choose a magazine. When speaking to my professor in regards to making a physical copy of my magazine or a digital copy we came to the conclusion of it being digital. First thing I would do is work on the cover. The cover it’s what’s going to attract the consumer so choosing something pleasing to the eye and that is very likable is key. I want it to be chic and well thought. Moving on to the pages of where i will be publishing my own articles, I will start by making placements. Since I am a bachelors of architecture major, the first thing that comes to mind is using InDesign ( architectural design software). I am advanced in the software and I believe it’s the best way for me to achieve my project. Then I would take in all the research that I have and do a survey with my friends and family in order to choose what to include in the magazine. I think this is really helpful since it will give me a different point of views from other people. I think this will be really helpful because it won’t leave me panicking and rather enjoying the process. Lastly, I would upload my file on a pdf and present it to my professor. 

Unit 3 proposal

My genre for unit 3 is a letter to the education council. Since my topic was based on the role religion plays in education. I feel like this is a good choice since I was searching for the impact religion can have on education as well. Writing a letter to my target audience can go both ways since it all depends on how the person views religion. My target audience will be educators and the department of education. What I would like to show my audience that I learned is that religion has its cons and pros. It mostly has pros since the only con would be that there are so many religions, and it will be complicated to pick one to teach. To me religion can be a way to help students develop in a more successful way. My steps to create my letter will be searching up who I really have to send it to. I would have to make my letter be as professional and concrete as possible. I feel like my letter needs to be detailed on my topic and have actual facts. My biggest concern is what if I didn’t pick the right genre for my topic.