Homework 2.1 (part 2)

What always caught my attention as kid would be hospitals , doctors the whole medical field. Whenever I went to the hospital to go visits someone or go for a checkup I always see how the doctors were dressed and how fast they would talk about a patient and explaining the diagnose that the patients have . I always ask my mom what are they saying , what are the tools they are using she would try her best to answer but the one question I asked and she wasn’t sure to answer would “How come when people go to the hospital it’s to get better but sometimes they get worse , why does that happen? Throughout the years I’m still curious of what goes on a doctor’s mind on how they talk to a patient and how they do procedures I myself wanted to be in the medical field just not exactly do so many years of  studying but I’m studying how to help a a patient through an x-ray. Asking those questions is what made me interested to still learn more about medicine that got me to where I am today . Although without the  school system I could’ve lost interest teachers and counselors pushed me into looking for the different opportunities to learn about the medical field even bringing people from this field to talk students about it. I still have questions about this topic of how much can medicine change throughout the years , will the future still need doctors nurses etc?

Homework 2.1

Even though America has had many hardships, James Baldwin is emphasizing to his student that there is still a vast and lovely world outside of the country. When he says in the text “the world is larger”, it is to my understanding that when you compare the U.S. and the trials and tribulations that they went through with  the world as a whole, one can see that many of the issues are in fact worldwide.

When I was a kid,  I found myself interested in true crime. The intensity of some of the cases really sparked my curiosity. Which inevitably caused me to go down a rabbit hole of serial killer stories and documentaries. Luckily, I’m still very interested in that topic and due to me being older, I’m able to access resources that I couldn’t beforehand. When i started to ask questions regarding the cases, the minor details start to make themselves known. Everything tends to click in one way or another.

Over the years, my curiosity have changed maturity wise. The older I got, more I became aware of the severity of the cases. I started to fully process the disturbing and gruesome details that were in these acts. But luckily the school that I was attending at the time gave me access to books that focused on one case at a time so that I can really dig deeper into what took place  and what the victims had to go through.

H.W 2.1

In “A Talk to Teachers,” James Baldwin emphasizes the importance of education in addressing social issues and promoting equality. Baldwin addresses social issues such as racial inequality, discrimination, and the importance of acknowledging and confronting the realities of the world. He likes to emphasize the significance of education in addressing social issues and promoting equality. Baldwin urges teachers to go beyond traditional curriculum and educate students about the realities of society. Teachers can address racial inequality in the classroom by incorporating diverse perspectives and voices into the curriculum, promoting open discussions about race and racism, and creating an inclusive and respectful learning environment for all students. It’s important for teachers to challenge stereotypes, encourage empathy, and foster a sense of belonging among students of all races. Incorporating diverse perspectives in the classroom can involve using literature and texts written by authors from different racial backgrounds, discussing historical events from multiple perspectives, inviting guest speakers from diverse backgrounds, and encouraging students to share their experiences and perspectives. It’s all about creating a rich and inclusive learning environment that celebrates and values the diversity of voices and experiences. Some strategies to promote open discussions about race include creating a safe and respectful space for dialogue, setting clear guidelines for respectful communication, using thought-provoking prompts or questions, actively listening to students’ perspectives, and addressing any misconceptions or biases that may arise during the discussions. It’s important to foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. “the world is larger” When Baldwin says “the world is larger,” he means that there is a broader and more complex reality beyond what we may initially perceive or understand. It’s a reminder to acknowledge and explore diverse perspectives and experiences beyond our own, expanding our understanding of the world and fostering empathy. This encourages openness, honest dialogue, and creative solutions. It can also help to break down barriers between people and create meaningful connections. In conclusion, James Baldwin’s message reminds us of the importance of education in addressing social issues and promoting equality. By embracing diverse perspectives, fostering open discussions about race, and creating inclusive learning environments, we can work towards a more understanding and equitable society.