HW 1.2

The author Mike Bunn, within the article he wrote “How to Read Like a Writer” when he says, “You are already an author” could mean many things but, I think it could mean that you’re writing a book everyday that book being yourself and where you go, what you do ever chapter that makes you, you. Another thought I pictured it could have meant was of it as a “you can do it” type of statement, like you have no reason to just say I am not sure when you talk everyday to customers, friends, bosses or family the list goes on. Something I write all the time is my life which is back to what I said, I have the ability to pick my own decisions everyday, what I think is right for myself or others. Within my life are many other things I write within like my superhero comics, my journals and even the few diaries I had that I eventually destroy. With all this writing experience it can help my college career, comparing it to writing in those books, to help give myself more brain juice to keep going since it’s not as hard as I perceived it to be on paper. In Mike Bunn’s article something I would love to try in my own writings are recalling every little specific detail of places I have been in my diaries or journals. For example in the beginning Bunn goes into detail about a palace in London and it really helps give a perfect perspective and understanding of the surroundings vividly like as if the reader was actually there. Within the article Bunn also used a technique I would like to use aswell which is restating a sentence differently to possibly convey something better. For example “What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote? What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote from the President?” the first side pictures one thing while after reading the second a new picture forms.

H.W 1.2

In the Article “How to read like a writer” Mike Bunn writes that “you are already an author”. A author is usually seen as someone who wrote a piece of work or story but Mike Bunn is telling us even if we haven’t we have created or own book  we have been an author of our own stories. If you tell someone something that happened to you yesterday you are being the author of your own story while they are seen as the reader or audience member that is getting read too. Your life is like a story and you are the author of it.Mike Bunn also states how when reading you should go into the reading looking for “the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?” since that can help develop better understanding of what ever you may be reading. You have to think like the author see why one thing lead to the other the way you would when you write a story. Reading Mike Bunns article it shows you another way of reading not just reading a word then moving onto the next but diving in deeper and seeing how one sentence or would structures the one after it. In the article Mike says how he “should change the name and call this Reading Like an Architect”because of the way he structures his reading. This way of reading adds a twist to the basic reading taught in high school now its not just a reading were we try to sum up the whole story and see what it was about but rather we go to every word there is and see why that would construct the next word in the sentence breaking everything down to make it easier to understand. I will try to do this more in my reading and writing because I feel as it breaks everything down and more simpler for me to understand cause I usually do get stuck on reading because I try to look at the bigger picture when I should take it step by step.

HW 1.2

How to Read Like a Writer article written by Mike Bunn. He writes “Reading Like an Architect” where he’s trying to reach an audience and teach them an understanding of how to read like a writer or an “architect” because it is known that architects dig deep to find how a building was built, or the different sketches, and models it went through to give us the final idea. If you can read like a writer you are the “architect “ of writing or rather reading. Bunn has a few different points throughout his Article where he says “When we read like writers we understand and participate in the writing” he means that by reading from a writer’s perspective, we can better understand and engage with the writing process. It allows us to analyze the techniques and choices made by the author. In a metaphorical sense, we are always writing our own stories through the choices we make and the actions we take. In a technical sense, we are constantly writing when we communicate through emails, text messages, or any form of written communication. Bunn brings up the point that when you start reading you want to know the context behind the assignment and the text because knowing the context behind an assignment and the text helps you approach it with a deeper understanding. It allows you to connect the dots, uncover hidden meanings, and appreciate the author’s intentions. By knowing the context, you can read with a more informed and critical perspective. I do want to start by looking into the context and meaning behind a text. I can get a better understanding of what the author wanted. I also want to make sure in the first few lines of my text I am giving the reader a better understanding of what my purpose was in writing the text.