Homework 1.3

Essays that tell a story are called narratives. It may be a personal experience, something you’ve read, or something you’ve seen. There are several narrative conventions that an author uses throughout the piece. A writer constructs the many pieces of a story using literary elements and techniques referred to as narrative writing. An author can use the narrative writing format to tell a story. The objective is to explain the significance of the event in addition to providing an interesting story. Narrative structure refers to the interaction between plot and story elements, such as characters, settings, and events. The elements of narrative writing create a compelling story and are essential to its development. An author uses narrative structure to keep his readers engaged by explaining what is happening and keeping them informed about what is happening. It encourages the authors to visualize themselves as the story’s lead character. An author can affect the tone of a narrative by choosing the elements the narrator highlights in a certain event. Through the use of the character’s changing emotions, language and thoughts. My narrative writing can be improved by having a relevant story, so I can attract the reader’s attention. The best type of narrative to use for my story will rely on the objectives I have for the essay I’m writing. My concern about writing an educational narrative is that it could be disorganized and lack structure if not done correctly. The structure of a narrative may have a significant impact on how a story is going to make you feel.

Homework D.1

There’s many reasons why people procrastinate. In essay from the book “Later”, shows us different perspectives on the topic. Even though I found some parts difficult to understand, since James Surowiecki uses a writing strategy where he gives you different examples. Surowiecki managed to keep me interested in his writing when he said “Many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks, large and small, nibbling at our conscience.”As i read that quote, i realized that i might be able to connect with it. As well as when the writer included the short story of the economist. Each paragraph talks about something different but they all have one thing in common which is procrastination. Something that caught my attention was the illustration. To me it shows that someone would prefer to contemplate the task until it’s too late. People tend to procrastinate and leave the task aside because they find something else more compelling to them.

The essay quotes “each morning for over eight months i woke up and decided that the next morning would be the day to send the Stiglitz box.” I found this quote relatable because i have found myself in this situation. I feel like we learn to procrastinate as soon as we turn teens. I know I began procrastinating when i started high school since there was a lot of projects and homework to do. Sometimes I would feel that the closer time gets the more work i would have to do. Since i would have more school work from other classes to do. In a way this essay is showing us that we are not alone in the procrastination topic and even economists struggle with it. Another quote that caught my attention was “….defines procrastination as willingly deferring something even though you expect the delay to make you worse off.”  He is referring to procrastination being as someone postponing a task despite the negative consequences.


HW 1.3

Based off of what I read in the two passages, there are tons of tools or  “ingredients” that can be used to help build a well formed narrative essay . When reading, there was a lot of imagery that was being used. Describing the authors surroundings in her eyes and how she views it. One technique that would help one start their narrative  is to first, identify what impactful moment you’d want to talk about. Following that, do a free write of the entire moment. Treat it like a diary entry. Include every detail that one would think should be included in the paper. So you have a solid summary of the experience. Then using the writing that you have, identify the parts of the story you would like to expand on. One concern that I do have is that I will not be able to write four pages worth of details of the moment.

A moment that changed my views on the educations system was when i was made to feel insecure about my ADHD by my very own fourth grade teacher. In the classroom that was covered in words to help with students academic skills. While the lights were off and the natural sunlight filling the room from the windows. The smell of pencils and dry erase markers were very prominent. In the middle of our reading period, the class was expected to read 10-15 pages of the book we chose from the classes library then answer questions about what we just read. Unfortunately I had a lot of trouble comprehending anything that I read when I was a kid. Focusing on one thing was a struggle as well. Suddenly every color and picture were yelling at me to look at them. By the time the clock ran out, I had only been able to read four pages. Student after student stood up explaining what they had just read along with answering the teachers questions. The closer it got to me the more nervous I became. I knew that when it would be my turn, I could not deliver the answers the way the rest of the class did. The sweat in my palms started to become more prominent as time went by. When it finally became my turn, reluctance was displayed in everything I did. As I was slowly standing up, the sweating has intensified. Ringing in my ear was as loud as a siren that was a block away from me. The teacher asked me questions that I was unable to answer. The more I stuttered the more the look of irritation grew on her face. Eventually her small amount of patience ran out and told me to sit down. Following that, she proceeded to say a set of words that I will never forget for the next 10+ years. “ Maybe this level is not meant for you since you can never seem to answer a question”. There was a feeling of a spotlight on me. The class grew quiet as 9 year old tears were welling up in my eyes. The feeling of shame and humiliation was one I couldn’t run from anymore.

H.W 1.4

                                             Very Very, Shitty Draft!!


      When it comes to writing your very own close and personal narrative, we tend to hit many challenges. The education narrative genre has been a pleasant genre for me to study. It introduces us to a new form of learning about studying unlike the traditional way. From what we have read so far in class the ingredients consist of a focused event, language, organization and significant details of your narrative. 

    Education and the way we learn is what shapes us as individuals. During the past five years of living in America I have had the most amazing education experiences, not just regarding school but life in general. Coming from the otherside of the world, the education system I was brought up in was very communist, or as many will say “unfair”. I believe education is something really important to a person’s upbringing.  

        All the parents in my country live with the goal of working hard and sending their kids to America for school, since here the education is the complete opposite. I was in school in Albania from kindergarten to seventh grade. Being a kid you don’t really understand things especially what’s bad and only remember the good and fun times. Since living in America and now being under its system of education for 5 years, I have realized the whirlpool I was caught up in. I remember learning things that were too advanced for my age and a lot of them at once. My teacher would make us remember everything the book in history would say, and then the next day she would pick on us and ask us to cite it word by word. This led to me having a panic attack many times and ripping my book up. The education back home had a huge impact on my mental health and I’m so glad I got to experience and learn all from the American education system. 

         Today’s world is ruled by technology and robots. There are so many programs out there that are so easily accessible such as AI, chatgbt, paraphrasing ect. They can answer math questions and tell you about important dates in history but, when it comes to writing they can never write like a human. Writing does not have wrong or a right answer is purely based on the writer’s emotions, context,style of writing and desired audience. When I think of writing, I think of all the ways I can express my feelings and talk more on things I have interest in. Becoming an architect is one of my main goals and dreams and it’s the reason why I am in college.