Partial rough draft of final reflection.

A common occurrence takes place whenever I am asked by a doctor or therapist if a certain condition has improved. I have no idea how I felt in the past compared to how I feel now. Sure, I can definitely discern between feeling generally good vs. feeling generally bad but that is about it. The same happens when I try to think about my growth this semester. Yes, I feel confident in my ability to write… but is it more than before completing this course? Looking back at my previous assignments, I can definitely see aspects that I would have done differently now. However, I probably would have felt the same if I had written them months before taking this class, and was assigned to revise in the beginning of the semester. Additionally, comparing assignments from the beginning of the semester to those done at the end would probably not prove to be helpful. Having such distinct genres, with corresponding writing styles- they are hardly comparable. Even if my general writing has not improved, I have become more proficient in certain tactics such as proofreading and research. Very clearly, my writing has progressed a lot; throughout my life, not just this course. It is difficult for me to pinpoint when and how improvements have been made. Measuring that would be like asking a child when they grew taller. It happens slowly every day, and is hardly noticeable to the person doing the growing.

Growing up with google at my fingertips, I never really had the need to delve deep into research to find the best answers. I could just search a question, and boom the answer was right at the top of my screen. Whenever I had a debate with my parents or friends about a topic that required more in-depth research I would often give up. I didn’t know how to properly conduct my research. This class helped me learn where to look, and how to properly learn from my sources- taking only the most prominent/ useful information. 

I also learnt what it meant to read like a writer. I learnt to analyze why the author made certain choices, and how that changed the outcome of their writing. While that alone is helpful, taking that tactic and utilizing it on other subjects really makes a big difference for me. Prior to this class, I would analyze how peoples clothing was constructed to gain knowledge on how to make similar pieces. Now, implementing the ‘how to read like a writer’ method, I can go even further. I now know to discern the docices the designer and producers made, why they made them, and how other choices would change the outcome. 

My favorite assignment was the Personal Narrative. I wrote about my experiences going to a Montessori school, and then transferring to a public school. The time I spent attending the Montessori School was a common discussion point when it came to my mental development and often came with a lot of criticism. This assignment allowed me to lay my experiences out in front of me and re-evaluate what it all meant. By explaining the differences in education, and overall experiences, I gained a greater knowledge of myself; who I am, what works best for me, and how I can improve my day to day life and interactions with others. 

Regarding the design of my assignments, only one really comes to mind. That is the final unit 3 assignment where I chose to present my project in the form of a blog. While I believe that on its own a blog could be a suitable genre, that is not my primary reason for choosing it. I wanted to design the assignment in a way in which I would actually be learning about my subject. While the execution certainly didn’t come out as intended, I still learnt a lot. More so than if I had just written a paper or article about my findings. I wanted to demonstrate what its like to build a business and blog about it; I learnt that doing so is almost impossible in such a short period of time. Just learning that is just as valuable a lesson as any. 

Homework 4.1

Part 1

  1. Revise either your Unit 1 or Unit 2 assignment
  2. Print and bring to class:
    • Your revised Unit assignment
    • Your previous draft with professor comments*

*Note: you can (and should) remove the grade from the comments before printing the draft with my comments — we will be doing a peer review of your revisions.

Part 2

Write a very rough partial draft of your Final Reflection, using as a starting point your response to the first homework prompt for this class and the revision of your Unit assignment (Part 1 above).

Post to OpenLab.

Make sure to review the Final Portfolio Reflection sheet

Category: Portfolio and Reflection