How did museums collect art and artifacts historically?  


When it comes down to a bibliography, writing about something you find enjoyment in, high interest and love is highly important. For me that is art. Arts have been a part of me my whole life. I have always found myself within the work of creating and appreciating art. It is who I am today. I Am an artist. I started studying art when I was 10 years old. I took advanced art classes and when it came time to talk about ancient artifacts in history class I was all ears. Also, playing the piano since I was 5 years old, taking dancing classes, being the soloist of my school and part of the city’s choir played a huge part. Being so in touch with all different forms of art is so beautiful. So for me a museum is an Arts home. While living in New York City there’s huge access to many amazing museums. I Am a regular at the Met Museum and many other small museums in New York. But I have to say that The Met is what raised this interest in me wanting to learn more about this topic. It was September 2018, my aunt was visiting me from France and she decided to take me to the Met. Upon arriving at The Met I remember being so excited, one because I got to skip school and two because I was going to look at art, my passion. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and experience all the emotions I went through all over again. Now six years later I still get that feeling because even though the world outside has changed everything inside is still the same.We all know how popular The Met is and how many people from all over the world visit, along with many other museums, such as MoMa, American Museum of Natural History and many others in all five boroughs. 


The author of ‘Museum Concept from past to present of museums as centers of art education” states “Museum, as a concept, comes from the 9 muses each possessing a different ability and source of inspiration (Calliope- the muse of epic poetry; Clio-the muse of history etc). Open and enclosed spaces (gardens and inside temples) dedicated to these 9 muses were called museums in Ancient Greece. However, The Museum of Alexandria, established in 4th century B.C, was the first museum that presented collection, exhibition, preservation and classification missions for museums in historical development.” This quote talks about the past and how museums came to be what they are today. It is all about the origins of museums and how they were influenced by the 9 muses in Ancient Greece. The muses were believed to possess different abilities and sources of inspiration, like epic poetry and history. In Ancient Greece, spaces dedicated to these muses, both open gardens and enclosed temples, were called museums. However, the Museum of Alexandria, which was established in the 4th century B.C., was the first museum to have a more comprehensive mission. It focused on collecting, exhibiting, preserving, and classifying various artifacts and knowledge. This marked a significant milestone in the historical development of museums, shaping the way they operate today. So, essentially, the quote highlights the connection between the muses, Ancient Greek culture, and the early foundations of museums. When exploring the deep roots of these cultural institutions I came to a conclusion that back then, museums often relied on patronage, where wealthy individuals or rulers would fund expeditions to acquire treasures and bring them back to the museum. They would also accept donations from individuals or acquire items through trade and conquest. Over time, museums developed specialized curators and experts who would carefully select and catalog the art and artifacts. So, the quote indirectly highlights the origins of museums as spaces for collecting and preserving art and artifacts, paving the way for the diverse and rich collections we see in museums today.


The quote “Our Collecting History. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has always been and will always be a premier collecting institution. Founded in 1870, when New York was still a relatively young city and the United States was entering a period of rapid change, The Met began with neither art nor a building, just the aspiration to become a world-class institution reflecting the broader ambitions of the country. But unlike the great museums of Europe, most of which began as royal collections, our Museum, since its inception, was built by and for the public.” The quote is all about The Metropolitan Museum of Art and its unique collecting history. It highlights how The Met has always been and will always be a top-notch collecting institution. Back in 1870, when New York was still growing, The Met came to life with a big dream but without any art or building. It was driven by the aspiration to become a world-class institution that would reflect the broader ambitions of the country. What sets The Met apart from many European museums is that it wasn’t built from any royal collections. The Met was created by and for the public right from the get-go. I wonder if i was part of that public what would i have contributed to the museum. It’s pretty cool to think about how it started from scratch and grew into the amazing museum we know today. One thing to analyze would be the author’s word choice. It holds great significance as it emphasizes the unique nature of The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collecting history. By using phrases like “premier collecting institution,” “aspiration to become a world-class institution,” and “broader ambitions of the country,” the author conveys the museum’s lofty goals and its commitment to excellence. Nowadays it is the most important museum in New York, in America and the whole world. The mention of New York as a “relatively young city” and the United States entering a period of “rapid change” highlights the museum’s connection to the dynamic growth and cultural development of the nation. The museum might be connected to the nation but within it has art and artifacts from all over the world. The contrast between The Met and the great museums of Europe, which often began as royal collections, underscores the museum’s public-focused approach and its dedication to accessibility and inclusivity. Overall, the author’s word choice paints a vivid picture of The Met’s origins, values, and commitment to serving the public. In conclusion, I started with taking a deep look into my past and my relation to this topic as well as what raised this interest in wanting to learn more about my question. I myself am an artist so learning about art is so important to me and also writing about something so that others can learn from as well is important to me. During my research in regards to my question I gained information on the past history of museums and how they started, as well as their relation to Ancient Greece. We are all aware of the huge impact Ancient Greece has on our today’s society and how it helps us better understand the history of anything in today’s world. When learning about the museum and how its connection is related to a muse, which is something that all of us artists have. Our muse might not be a human being per say , but we all have something that inspires us and that is what a muse is. That surprised me for the better because I never noticed how the word muse is in the word museum and how it is the start of what museums are today. Something I learned during my research on The Met museum was the fact how museums back then were all funded by royal collections rather than old artifacts from all over the world and non royal people’s art. That is what The Met is the opposite of. I believe this is highly important because it highlights how different a museum is today and how more in touch with the community it is. I think every other artist should know and read about this since it will shape their perspective on the arts home differently and they will learn all about art and artifacts that are found and stored. It can provide them with a deeper understanding of the history, development, and significance of museums in the art world. By exploring the origins of museums and the impact they have had on art, artists can gain valuable insights and inspiration for their own work. It can also help them appreciate the role museums play in preserving and showcasing art to the public. It’s a chance to dive deep into the stories behind famous artworks, explore different artistic movements, and understand how museums have shaped our appreciation of art. Plus, you might discover lesser-known artists or hidden gems that can spark your creativity.


In conclusion, all the articles above that I researched has all pointed me to the three biggest main theories that we know and I know for sure could give some existence of the multiverse and many other universes. The first being that the multiverse has a structure keeping all the universes next to ours from colliding so thanks structure or whatever you are. Secondly, there are infinite amounts of universes that exist with different versions of us with different outcomes and many more due to the Big Bang so the game “Life is Strange” could have been on to something. Finally, it could also be structured like a pocket universe a bunch of them that we just can’t see or reach yet. Among all of that I learned it all has been theorized to be connected to quantum mechanics which surprised me. I am a heavy fan of Marvel so I knew some what about multiverse theory from the amount of movies they have about multiverse travel. However I didn’t actually expect the research to also connect to quantum mechanics like Marvel since it seemed not realistic with there characters like Doctor Strange and Spiderman but I guess I was completely wrong. I feel like learning all of this has heavily helped prove whether Multiverses are real or not though. It’s not like we can necessarily prove something like pocket dimensions existing with a real cool quantum machine but based off our studies of quantum physics, space and the universe maybe one day. However based off films I have watched I feel like not a good amount of people should know about multiverse theory being traversable since then someone who gets stuff from other universes could end up being a evil person and destroy our universe and many others so maybe just stick to having scientists know this information if it exists one day. So that’s what I learned in my research and I hope one day in the far future or soon we can prove the multiverse is a real thing full of many beautiful universes but for now we have to wonder whether the multiverse is even real or not?

Rough Draft

How has Mental Health Become Less Stigmatized?

How do you think the world would be if mental health wasn’t taken seriously? If mental health wasn’t taken seriously, then there would be a bunch of commotion as if your surroundings are a mental asylum because there are people out there not getting the help that they need. Mental health is becoming more of a problem worldwide as time goes by. The world’s current situation isn’t helping to ease mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. When conducting the research, factors like Covid-19 have contributed to mental health issues. In the world today mental health treatment has become less stigmatized because mental health isn’t taken seriously when people view stress, anxiety, and depression solely on it being a rush of emotions. 

Millions of people worldwide have mental health conditions and an estimated 1 in 4 people will have mental health conditions. Mental health has become less stigmatized because reports show that there has been a statistically significant decrease in stigma according to survey respondents. According to an article from HealthPartners, “The surveys show that from 2017 to 2019: More people feel comfortable talking with someone about their mental illness (66% to 71%)… More people would say they would tell friends if they had a mental illness (34% to 41%)… Fewer people say they would be reluctant to seek help (50% to 46%).” This response shows how mental health treatment has become less stigmatized because there are people out here that need to talk to someone, so they can feel better. 

Given the world’s current situation with Covid-19, quarantining, and stopping our social life for the most part has taken negative tolls on many people. During this time people have developed social anxiety and stress because of all the video meetings and zoom parties. The Center of Disease Control states, “Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotion in adults and children… They can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety.” This explains how that rush of emotions can negatively affect our way of thinking because it can change the way we cope with mental health issues. The increase of feeling lonely and stressed can bring people to drink and do drugs which is the opposite of what we need when we are going through difficult times. In times like these, you need support from a professional, not something to give you a fix for a day that will worsen your mental health problems. Just experiencing stress can deteriorate your feelings and change your daily routine. It can change the amount you eat, how you sleep, and how you feel physically.

Mental health being stigmatized has been around according to a scientific concept since the 20th century. The article states, “A scientific concept on the stigma of mental disorders was first developed in the middle of the 20th century, first theoretically and eventually empirically in the 1970s. (Rössler, 2)” Mental health is being stigmatized because stigma became apparent from insufficient knowledge about mental illnesses. Because of this it shows prejudice against people with mental illnesses. According to HealthDirect, “Stigma arises from a lack of understanding of mental illness (ignorance and misinformation)… This can lead to discrimination against people with mental illness.” When there’s a “ lack of understanding” it can be hard for outsiders to actually know how people with mental illnesses feel and think.      

There have been a few changes to treatments for mental health. Some being closures of old asylums, bringing care for the community, and a rise in talking therapy. Because of this happening, there are changes in society’s attitude. According to NHS Digital, “There have been so many changes: the closure of the old asylums; moving care into the community; the increasing the use of talking therapies… One major change has been the shift in society’s attitudes. (Venters 1)” This shows that bringing a change to different kinds of treatment can help someone going through the hard times of mental illness. With changes like this there can be a change in how society copes. 

Mental disorders are common and widespread that about 44 million Americans endure some type of a mental disorder each year. Most people believe that mental illness is rare and “won’t happen to them.” According to Mental Health America, “In fact, mental health conditions are common and widespread. An estimated 44 million Americans suffer from some form of mental disorder in a given year. (MHA 1)” This explains how America has a very high rate of people with mental health problems. Also, a big problem is people not admitting that it can happen to anyone because they think they’re invincible to something like this. These are the kinds of people who degrade the ones that struggle because they’re different from everyone else, which isn’t true. Yes, they have some complications with the way they think, feel, and act but they’re just like everybody else who just needs a little extra help. Mental health problems can be related to excessive stress caused by certain situations or sequences of events. So, if you don’t know what someone is going through by being in their shoes, don’t judge them on their mental health. Mental health doesn’t just affect you, it also affects your loved ones and friends. If possible, then seek help from family and friends or you can seek counseling.  A mental health professional can suggest ways to better understand and cope with one’s illness. Treatment can be beneficial to both people with mental illness and other family members. Always keep an open mind when being around someone that is showing unusual behavior because the visible signs of  mental illness are often behavioral in nature. The person may be very quiet or withdrawn. 

The impact of stigma on people with mental illness has two sides to it, public stigma and self-stigma. Public stigma is the general public’s reaction to people with mental illness. Self-stigma is the prejudice against which people with mental illness turn their backs on themselves. The negative beliefs for public stigma are within a group and self-stigma is within yourself. Stigma is a result of prejudice because it can be a disadvantage to a person’s decisions or actions that disregard one’s rights and dignity. It states in World Psychiatry, “Stigma is the consequence of prejudice and prejudice is detriment or damage, caused to a person by judgment or action in which his/her rights and dignity are disregarded. (López-Ibor, Jr, 23)”  The stigma of mental illness seems to be widely supported by the general public in the Western world. Studies have shown that most citizens of  the United States and many Western European countries have a stigmatizing attitude towards mental illness. 

In conclusion,  in today’s world, people don’t take stress, anxiety, and depression seriously as pure emotional expressions, so the stigma of treating mental illness has diminished. So, has mental health become less stigmatized? You can answer both yes and no because there are people’s whos mindset is negative towards mental health issues and yes because there are treatments and opportunities to help them. It is common for people to go through mental health problems. It can be hard for them to cope with it and figure out what is going on with them. Some best ways to cope with stigma is getting treatment, surround yourself with your loved ones and friends, and don’t bring yourself down for having a mental illness. Letting your mental illness take over your whole lifestyle will make it even worse, it’s better if you accept it and get treatment. Educate yourself on different types of treatment one can take like talking therapy and caring for the community. Talking to someone can help a lot. Someone with mental health is not weak, if anything it only makes you stronger than you already are.