Homework D.1

Reading this article it wasn’t very appealing because I found it boring since I’ve personally heard people talk about ways to stop procrastinating. I also  found the vocabulary to be more advanced than I can comprehend which is very frustrating. For example, in paragraph 5 it states, “The recent crisis of the euro was exacerbated by the German government’s dithering…was due in part to executives’ penchant for delaying tough decisions.” The words exacerbating, dithering, and penchant were confusing to me and they’re all in one sentence so that makes it hard to understand the sentence as a whole.  My overall emotions I would say was confused, annoyed, and bored. I probably stopped to do other things instead of finishing the article at least 15 times. How ironic because I stopped to procrastinate while reading an article on procrastination. I don’t think if I read an article on how to stop procrastinating that I’ll stop. I would probably do it for a day and then I’ll stop. I also don’t care if Nobel-winners procrastinate because I’m sure a lot of people do, the article stated “There’s something comforting about this story: even Nobel-winning economists procrastinate!” and I definitely don’t find it comforting. Personally, I have a feeling that people procrastinate due to the lack of some motivation/discipline. I absolutely procrastinate every chance that I get and put things off till the last minute which is a very bad habit. I do agree with when the article said “may be especially prone to putting things off: surveys suggest that the vast majority of college students procrastinate” If people actually try to be more productive because they want to, then I do believe it’s possible to overcome the need to procrastinate. But if we keep procrastinating, then we’re gonna need more than an article to tell us how to prevent procrastinating.

Research Question.

Why do humans try to find some sort of God figure or why do they create a religion or religions for their society? So, throughout history a large number of societies decided on the idea of believing in a being or a person with the abilities of creation. This person or people would be recognized for specific tales and specific things they have done for their people. Even in our own modern culture we have a ton of religions centered around a specific god or deities responsible for our creation and daily life. We have Christianity, Judaism, Islamic faith and many more. Some mythologies were created during times of when English wasn’t a language most people didn’t speak (90% of them) and some of them are from a great past that aren’t translatable since the way they communicated the religion was through the use of stone tablets or drawings illustrating what happened long ago and to why they may have served that being. What got me so interested in this was my love for Egyptian mythology and a few game series that uses that knowledge of things we already know about these mythologies. What I exact is not really an answer but maybe a sort of understanding that I can come up with after researching to why many cultures may have done this.

Homework d.1

One part I found difficult on my first read of the article “Later” was the beginning about the procrastination example about the guy named Akerlof. When I was reading the beginning it felt hard to keep reading the rest of the article cause I kept wondering how this was gonna connect to the article. Throughout the article it does connect to it for sure it was just a long climax I found difficult wrapping my head around especially after the fire two paragraphs where it gets into fashionistas struggle with procrastination it basically gave my head a example and then lost me with more examples yet still getting the point if that makes sense. The second thing I found confusing is kinda the same as the first one I had with the article. After the fourth paragraph they talk about the origin of the word procrastination which made me more confused. It was like we went from one topic to the next from the examples of procrastination to the origin which was also difficult to read since the writer kept quoting stuff from the other articles they said that I have never read before. After I found my third issue I believe the main issue of the article for me is just that I am confused as I read it. It went from topic to topic while remaining in the procrastination topic. As seen from the first two issues, I had been confused with parts not clicking together as I read. I noticed how the article keeps doing this from talking about the examples, to then the statistics, the origin and then what others say and so on. Its hard to keep the whole article together when they aren’t really brought up again its like you gave me a bunch of toys connected to the same story yet having no mention of them again and the other stories they clearly can connect to this same story if that makes sense.


When I’m reading, I tend to just go through the words, you know? I read it once, but sometimes I forget to really grasp what’s happening. So, I end up having to read it again to truly understand it better. But honestly, don’t follow my approach because it just adds unnecessary work. Anyway, in this article I was checking out, it talked about how you should construct a story. The author mentioned that if we don’t do that, nobody would be able to write their own stories. It’s a bit like any experience you share with someone turns into a story for them. They become the “reader” of your story. Even in everyday conversations, people are like the audience of your story. They listen to the highs and lows, the funny parts, and all those details. So, these authors were trying to convey that when you’re reading a book or a story, you should immerse yourself in it and try to figure out why the narrator or author is even telling  you this stuff. What’s their purpose, you know? How they narrate their story can help you understand what they’re trying to show you. Honestly, it made me realize that there’s more depth to reading than I thought. So, I’m going to try to do this more often in my free time. They say if you do something a lot, it becomes a habit, and that’s fine by me if it does.